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According to Armando Lusquiños, director of Buscomasia.com, “more and more families take refuge in the rural world in search of peace.”

In the period between 1950 and 1980 there was a migratory movement in Spain known as the rural exodus in which families headed for the big cities. A series of circumstances generated this phenomenon that continued until a few years ago. On the one hand, the transformation of the means of agricultural production caused a greater concentration and mechanization of farms, making many of the farm workers redundant, who therefore lost their jobs. On the other hand, as a consequence of industrialization, an important range of job opportunities opened up in large cities. The abandonment of agricultural and livestock farms was a constant that originated rural depopulation: The so-called emptied Spain that now seems to be filling up again.

Since the start of the pandemic, the sale of rustic farms and country houses experienced dizzying growth, catapulting purchase operations by more than 25%. In recent years, a significant number of families have decided to undertake the reverse journey that their ancestors made throughout the 20th century.

As a result of some of the consequences derived from the appearance of COVID, such as home confinement and mobility restrictions, many urbanites began to explore other alternatives to find tranquility and quality of life that the city did not offer them. It was a turning point that affected the entire society. But this trend, far from being something temporary, undoubtedly continues to rise.

The perception of a part of society is based on thinking that cities are very hostile for four fundamental reasons: “climate change, the incessant technological changes, hyper-consumption and the stress derived from overexposure to inputs of all kinds”.

Climate change is fostering the demand for houses located at elevations above 800 m to minimize the effects of increasingly common heat waves. Properties, previously difficult to sell due to their isolation and altitude, are now in demand by buyers looking for places that offer less extreme temperatures, especially in summer, and that, in turn, act as climatic refuges.

Artificial intelligence is also perceived as a danger that will be palpable especially in large cities. The uncontrolled use of this and other technologies will reduce individual privacy and create misinformation. In rural areas, new technologies are not so invasive with the inhabitants and geographic isolation allows them to enjoy a greater sense of freedom versus the metropolis where mass control will be increasingly palpable. Likewise, unbridled consumerism and the overload of information that exists in the cities, become more lax in mountain areas, where fewer material things are needed and the mind is not subjected to such high levels of unnecessary information and that is something that is already It is clearly perceived in the profile of the new inhabitants who decide to settle in the towns who are especially looking for that peace that they could not find in their old places of residence.

According to Armando Lusquiños, CEO of Buscomasia.com, a leading company in buying and selling farmhouses and rustic properties: “It is clear that the changes that are to come, both technologically and climatically, will make or are already making many people rethink their future in terms of where to live and how to live. Moving to a town is the best alternative to the hostility of the cities. More and more families take refuge in rural areas in search of peace. Less and calm is better than much with stress”.

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