“There is a lot of empty housing that we want to rehabilitate and make available to these people who need it today,” he says.


The Minister of Housing and Urban Agenda, Isabel Rodríguez, has assured that the Government’s objective this term is to promote more public housing, while also protecting private property.

“Housing is one of the main problems that our country has today, especially for younger people, also families with dependent children,” said Rodríguez in an interview on the program ‘Espejo Público’, on Antena 3, reported by Europa. Press.

Asked about the agreement with Bildu to extend the ban on evictions of vulnerable people until 2025, the minister highlighted the objective of promoting more public housing, while “of course” protecting private property.

Rodríguez recalled that there is constitutional protection that the Executive will promote through a better public housing stock. Likewise, Rodríguez has assured that work will be done on the rehabilitation of homes. “There is a lot of empty housing that we want to rehabilitate and make available to these people who need it today,” he said.

In this sense, he also recalled that owners will be able to deduct up to 5,000 euros for the renovations they make to their homes to improve their rehabilitation both from the point of view of accessibility and energy.

Asked about Operation Camp in Madrid, Rodríguez pointed out that the Government has made these lands available, where 60% of the homes that will be built there will be public housing at an affordable price and 40% will be private housing.

“It is not about creating ghettos, but quite the opposite, about generating more coexistence, better coexistence. But preserving or protecting what is public,” he defended.

Specifically, the construction of between 10,000 and 12,000 homes is estimated, pending completion of the urbanization project, so the Executive intends to be “very agile” in this initiative.