UN climate conference: flashed

For the diplomats, the Bonn Summit was a success – for the people who are in danger because of climate change, less. But three points make courage.

UN climate conference: flashed

Shortly before end of negotiations, it was still emotional at Bonn climate Conference. Raijeli Nicole was trying to make a decision when she called rich states: "We are on frontline of climate change." In IhrerHeimat Fiji, first fishing villages had to Meeresspiegelanstiegweichen. DiePazifische Regional Director of development agency Oxfam called DieIndustrieländer for more solidarity, leadership and willingness to take responsibility. But instead of quickly agreeing, States were arguing about last technical and financial details until early Saturday morning.

After a year of extreme storms, rising emissions undRekordklimaschäden, representatives of most vulnerable countries – among m island States – had demanded more commitment from industrialized countries to deal with inevitable damage. But apart from a few financial commitments, including Germany and Sweden, Sieweitgehend flashed off.

Diplomatic success

From perspective of climate diplomacy, summit was neverless a success – Denngroße expectations of him had not existed anyway. In Bonn, Diemehr, as 190 states, wanted to prepare a set of rules to put into practice from year 2020das Paris climate agreement. There were technical details, such as question of how emissions are to be measured and zuverbuchened – an important basis for furr work. Now re is a first draft for ruleset, more than 260Seiten long. In order to cut it so far that it is good in practice, countries will need a lot of time and effort in coming year. You have neverless achieved your self-set goal for Bonn.

Two years ago in Paris, however, climate conference ended with a großenVersprechen, much more ambitious than most of observers who were familiar with small-small derKlimadiplomatie at time: states vowed to do everything to make global warming To stop a value well below two degrees Celsius. If possible, y even wanted to create 1.5 degrees.

In terms of this, y have not yet come very far. In Bonn, Verabredetensie refore also remains in dialogue throughout coming year on how each individual country can make its climate policy even more ambitious. The parties to Paris must become more ambitious if y take ihrVersprechen seriously. They all know that, and in Bonn too, one heard Dazukeinen opposition.

Three points that will make you brave

The special feature of Talanoa dialogue planned for 2018: not only usual diplomats should be allowed to speak in it, but also climate scientists, environmentalists andor representatives of civil society. However, this is a weak consolation for particularly vulnerable countries such as Fiji. In addition, by year 2020regelmäßig, developed countries, which have caused global warming above all, should give separate information about how y want to improve ir climate policy.

These are main advances of negotiations in Bonn. They fall erwartungsgemäß out – and abundantly unspectacular. More important things happened outside negotiating process:

  • At summit, Germany presented an initiative aimed at 400 million people worldwide against climate damage in denkommenden years. This is an important step in face of increasingly higher assets, inating extreme wear events are being destroyed, and poverty of MeistenBetroffenen. They are usually not able to protect mselves.
  • Led by Canada and Britain, more than 20Staaten, regions and businesses announced that y would be able to get out of coal. Dieklimaschädliche coal still supplies around 40 percent of world's energy, but new ANTIKOHLEBÜNDNISERHÖHT exit pressure also on or states. Germany, which is not yet present.
  • The US official delegation, under President Donald Trump, planning to withdraw from Paris agreement did not disturb negotiations – Andy was eclipsed by an alternative alliance of US states, cities, universities and businesses . The alliance unites a large share of US economic power and has been Politikernrepräsentiert by high-ranking experts in Bonn. At summit, alliance continued to spread: we are still re! Wirerfüllen The Paris promise of United States, our President may still sehrdagegen Twitter.

What remains of Bonn: Paris agreement is alive, and trend away from coal, oil and gas to Einerklimafreundlichen economy is unbroken – despite resistance at highest level. And many actors worked on summit to speed it up; Notonly The official negotiators of nation states.

But for Fiji this is still too slow. "I'm not talking about DieZukunft. I am talking about present, "said Raijeli Nicole in Bonn about storms, floods and droughts. "This is reality."

Date Of Update: 19 November 2017, 12:03