Paris-Shanghai in just over half an hour! Yes, this will be possible by taking a space shuttle. For the bank UBS, this is not science fiction. It is estimated that the market of long distance flights between major cities, will generate $ 20 billion of sales from 2030.

” READ ALSO – The tourism part in the conquest of space

companies space should begin to compete with standard carriers on routes of more than ten hours of volume It, by adapting their vessels to tourist vocation. Instead of crossing the border of the space to fall back to earth, those aircraft powered by a rocket engine, called aircraft-rockets, would go through the very upper atmosphere or even space, to reach their destination.

Elon Musk, boss of SpaceX, provides to be able to travel (in a few years) a hundred people in a rocket, which accept all the major cities of the planet in less than an hour

For the time being, the aircraft-rocket in the course of development is limited to the transportation of a few dozen people at most. But Elon Musk, boss of SpaceX, provides power …