Hamburg: Now threatens all rapists prison

The group rape of a 14-year-old in Hamburg is being negotiated anew. In the first trial, the young perpetrators came with probation and therapy.

Hamburg: Now threatens all rapists prison
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    M P  Looks a little disguised. For first trial in which he was convicted of brutal group rape of a 14-year-old, defendant came in training suit. This time he wears a jacket, a blue-white plaid shirt and a grey-black striped tie. Not only his clos, but also his appearance is supposed to show a new picture of rapist. His young accomplices also appeared more humble.

    Bosco p. Only briefly beckons to spectators, smiling almost shy. In first instance, he had greeted spectators with high stretched arms and wide grin. After sentencing, four years in prison for him, he hinted Kopulationsbewegungen. It almost seemed as if he was enjoying public appearance in court. The spectators could not recognize remorse.

    The Hamburg District Court is now again negotiating case from Hamburg-Harburg, which had taken care of horrors nationwide two years ago. Bosco P., only adult among perpetrators, had sexually abused a 14-year-old toger with three young men. A 15-year-old girl filmed deed with her cell phone, even directed instructions on when to introduce which item to her girlfriend. The whole thing was played in a ground floor apartment in Hamburg district of Harburg. The 14-year-old victim was drunk at ordeal. When girl started screaming, men dragged it on a sheet in backyard and left it almost naked re. It was at beginning of February, temperature was around freezing point. If a neighbor hadn't found 14-year-old, it might have been frozen.

    Horror at mild verdict

    The scandal did not end with terrible deed. At start of process, perpetrators and pop stars performed. Moreover, abused girl could not even be loaded as a witness – she was moved out after deed from supervised youth residence in which she lived. Nobody knew where she was. Finally, in October 2016, verdicts provided for agitated debates: only Bosco P. went to prison. The three or young men and girl in end came with suspended sentences.

    The horror of it led to signing of more than 100,000 people after first judgement on a public petition, because y thought it unfair that groups of rapists were released from custody. The strange pictures had been burned to people by indictment reading and verdict: Feixende and cheering perpetrators.

    Date Of Update: 11 January 2018, 12:03