Mayors from three of Mexico’s largest cities were in Chicago on Friday, seeking to reinforce their relationships with the city and reassure members of the local Mexican community who are worried by the policies of President Donald Trump.

The delegation, which included Miguel Angel Mancera of Mexico City, Enrique Alfaro of Guadalajara and Hector Armando Cabada Alvidrez of Ciudad Juarez, met with their Chicago counterpart, Mayor Rahm Emanuel, to discuss commerce, human rights and immigration — issues brought to the forefront by a flurry of Trump executive orders.

"We are in Chicago to make sure Mexicans living here and across the country know that their elected officials in Mexico care for them and will support them in the most effective way we can," Mancera said.

Mexico City is one of Chicago’s largest North American trading partners, and Chicago has more than 1.65 million residents of Mexican origin, ranking fourth among U.S. metropolitan areas, according to the Pew Research Center.

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(Amy Taxin)

Emanuel and Mancera signed a partnership agreement in 2013 to promote economic, intellectual and cultural exchanges.

More recently, Emanuel pledged that Chicago would remain a "sanctuary city" in the wake of a Jan. 25 Trump executive order that threatened to withhold federal funds from cities that "shield aliens from removal" by federal immigration authorities.

The Mexican mayors sat down with the Tribune to discuss municipal relationships under the Trump administration, covering everything from deportation and tariffs to the proposed wall along the U.S.-Mexico border. The interview was edited for length and clarity and conducted through a translator.

Q: A federal appeals court on Thursday unanimously refused to reinstate Trump’s travel ban. While Mexico was not directly affected, what is your reaction?

Alfaro: That is a good lesson for everybody that the United States’ institutions and laws are much more stronger than the will of any man — even if he is the president of the United States.

Q: Has the 2013 agreement between Chicago and Mexico City produced results?

Mancera: Ever since the memorandum was signed, they’ve been able to create more employment and business opportunities between the two cities. Gino’s East opened up a restaurant (in 2015) in Mexico City.

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(Tribune news services)

Q: Trump has floated a 20 percent tax on goods imported from Mexico. What impact would that have on Mexico City’s trade relationship with Chicago?

Mancera: If the 20 percent tariff was to be imposed, Mexico would be doing something similar to American products. I believe that the relationship should be positive, as it has been in the past.

Q: On Jan. 25, Trump signed an executive order authorizing the construction of a wall to prevent illegal immigration from Mexico, a campaign pledge. Will it work, and will Mexico pay for it?

Alvidrez: We’re on the border with El Paso, Texas. We already have a wall that serves as security right on the border. It’s an unnecessary expense for the United States, and Mexico is not going to pay for it.

Mancera: The United States has the right to build a wall on their side of the border and to invest their own money in whichever way they see fit. What is already built between Mexico and the United States is communication and connection. Mr. Trump wouldn’t be building a wall; he would be destroying those bridges of communication.

Q: That same order expanded the list of people considered a priority for deportation, beefed up the border patrol and expanded the number and size of detention facilities to speed up the process. Are you concerned about this policy?

Alfaro: We see now the consequences of immigration reform that was never completed. It’s not just Mexico’s problem — it’s a problem for both Mexico and the United States. We’re going to defend our people with everything we have.

Q: You are inviting mayors from sanctuary cities to a forum in Mexico City on Feb. 20. What is the purpose of that meeting?

Mancera: It’s very important for us to meet with mayors of sanctuary cities, to ensure the care and protection of human rights. Even though they may not be receiving as many resources from the federal government, it’s very important that mayors of sanctuary cities have come out in defense of the human rights of immigrants.

Q: Chicago is home to a very large Mexican population. What do you want them to take away from your visit here?

Alvidrez: One of the reasons that we are here is because we understand the fear that is running through the Mexican community in the United States. We want to assure them that in the case that they were to be sent back, they would be received with open arms.

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