We asked a group of N.J. students to write about a time when no one would believe them. Here’s what they said:

Ugh! Nobody will believe me. My brother ate the last cookie not me. It took me like 10 minutes to convince my mom, and my brother stood up and said he did it. I was still a little mad because he stood up so late, and my mom took so long to believe me.

Madilyn Thompson

Grade 5

Franklin Township School

One time no one would believe me was a year ago when I said that my Dad was 51. Everyone doubted me, because they didn’t know my dad’s age.  I was right, but they didn’t believe me. Then one day my dad came to school for a party and everyone asked his age.  My dad said he was 51 and that showed them. Sometimes no one will believe you, but that doesn’t mean you’re wrong.

Ned Scannell

Grade 5

Franklin Township School

When I was in first grade my sister and I came home from school and I went to play with her American Girl Doll. I left my dog, Brokesy, out and he got to the American Girl Doll. He tore it apart. When I came back in the room the doll was ruined. My mom and sister blamed me, but I blamed Brokesy. That is my story on how my mom and sister didn’t believe me.

Katie Zarish-Yasunas

Grade 5

Franklin Township School

I caught a really big fish. Nobody believed me. It was annoying. I felt sad.  But then I brought  in a picture and my classmates started to believe me.

Joey Edwards

Grade 5

Franklin Township School

A time when no one would believe me was when I told my family that there was chocolate milk in the refrigerator. They ended up looking in the fridge and after that I wasn’t believed again for a month.  Another time I wasn’t believed was when I said that I jumped over the ladder in my garage that was fifteen feet high.

Ben Huebscher

Grade 5

Franklin Township School

One day I woke up and my mom was standing right in my door way.  She asked me why I stole the chocolate milk from the fridge?

“I did not,” I said to her.  

She said, “Well, you were the only one up last night at 9:00.”

I replied, “No, Michael & William were up too.”

So, I went on a mystery mission and found two clues:

A straw from chocolate milk on the floor.

A piece of chocolate milk cardboard under Michael’s seat.

Then I went up to the room’s I found:

One empty chocolate milk bottle on the floor in the hallway, and two straw wrappers

I finally found out the clue that made a major breakthrough, I found 3 chocolate

milk straw wrappers on the floor of William’s room.

“Mom,” I yelled down the hall, “I found out who the culprit was.  It was William.

There are three chocolate milk wrappers on the floor of William’s room.”

“Good job,” my mom said.

Katherine Piotrowski

Grade 5

Franklin Township School

When I was 10, I had an evil rooster who broke my grandmother’s neck. When I broke the rooster’s leg, I told my mom that the rooster was trying to hurt us and she punished me for breaking the rooster’s leg because she didn’t believe me, that is until it actually broke my grandmother’s neck.

Alex Takacs

Grade 7

Readington Middle School

The following was a true story. One cold, winter, night, I was walking in my backyard when I saw a huge bear running towards me. It jumped on me and I hit my head on the ground, hard. Then, out of nowhere, a lion with piercing blue eyes saved me. It picked me up and brought me to a waterfall with warm water that healed my cuts. At the base of the waterfall was a bunch of dragons and wizard dueling playfully. Do you believe me? Of course you don’t, no one ever does.

Kara Scotti

Grade 7

Readington Middle School

One time where no one believed me was when a dove was trapped in my garage trying to fly back to her young. My family didn’t think I was telling the truth I kept smiling whenever I told them.   

Evan Pollack

Grade 7

Readington Middle School

When I went to Niagara Falls there was a restaurant built into the hotel we were staying at, but everyone wanted to go to a different restaurant because this one was expensive. When we got to the buffet there was a long line and it took forever to get in. When it was our turn it was more expensive and the special price was only for Tuesday.

Shalini Varma

Grade 7

Readington Middle School

One time no one believed me was years ago. When I was a lot younger I would always make up these stories that were absolutely crazy, for example, I would use one of my friends ( his name is Conner) in tons of them saying “My friend Conner …” at the start of all of them. And what happened was, I was walking to my friends house and there was a whole herd of deer blocking the road and they started to walk towards me. I ram back home pretty scared and told my family but they thought I was just telling another one of my stories.

Gregory Lavish

Grade 7

Readington Middle School

No one ever believed me. One day I saw a big healthy bobcat in our back yard. My mom didn’t believe me and said they didn’t live here but I knew. One day it was turning night time and I saw it strolling in our back yard. I hurried to get my mom who was trying to prove me wrong. We looked outside and there it was. It felt good to prove my family wrong.

Corey Paulson

Grade 7

Readington Middle School

On St. Patrick’s Day in second grade my friend had a large box on the bus home. She told me that she had caught the leprechaun. I got home and told my family but, none of them believed me.

Becca Bowser

Grade 7

Readington Middle School

My parents blamed me for spilling lemonade on the carpet, but it wasn’t me. I said it was the cat, the cat peed on the carpet. I was really just protecting the dog, the dog was the actual victim of the story.

Ben Schlosser

Grade 7

Readington Middle School

There are few reasons why my family would not believe me when there was no school on Monday. First, my family would not believe me because there usually was school on Mondays. Secondly, they totally forgot to look at the calendar. They usually do, but they were very busy that week. In addition, my family was a little mad because they thought I was lying, but I was not. In my family, you cannot lie. Last, but certainly not least, my family was almost going to believe me, but they didn’t remember why there was no school on Monday. My family and I were at the store that time.  When we got home, we looked at the calendar, and it was Martin Luther King’s Day. My family said, ”Oh, we totally forgot about Martin Luther King’s Day.” It is just great that my family believed me. I hope your family always believes you, too.

Anna Abajyan

Grade 4

Copper Hill School


There were a few times when someone did not believe me. First, my friend did not believe me when I  said that I saw  a fairy. Another time, my classmates did not believe me that my team did not cheat in a game. Lastly, there was a time my mom did not believe that I had written something. I hope in the future, everyone will believe me

Kayla Finelli

Grade 4

Copper Hill School

I saw something funny one day that you will never believe. First, it was a regular day driving to school. Next, I looked out the window, and I saw a turkey walking in the street of my old neighborhood! Last, but not least, he was still there when I got off the school bus after school! I never saw anything like that before. It was a funny day.

Kiera Mazurek

Grade 4

Copper Hill School

A time that no one would believe me is, on Christmas when I went to my aunt’s house and people asked, “What did you get for Christmas?” I said a hoverboard no one would believe me and say “No way!” When I really did get a hoverboard.  

Christina Sullivan       

Grade 4

Valley View School    

No one would believe that I would get a 100% on my test.I studied all night for my test.I walked into the classroom feeling confident that I was going to ace my test.After my test I felt happy that I was going to prove everyone wrong.After she graded my test I found out that I got a 100%.

Tyler Duryea   

Grade 4

Valley View School    

A time when nobody would believe me was when I told my parents that I could fit into my mom’s shoes. My parents said” Whatever… We know you can’t possibly do that, you are only 8!’ ”You can’t… you’ll make us so sad thinking you are are such a big kid!” Then they turned around to see me not just fitting in mom’s shoes but walking around in them expertly!

Tristan Tiffany

Grade 4

Valley View School    

One early morning in Hunterdon County at my house around 2:40 AM the moon was shining on my face making it pale white. It was such a strong glow that it startled me awake. A shiver went down my spine.  I cracked my neck with a little fear but not much fear.

I hopped out of bed with a very elegantly drop.  Then I tip-toed silently as a mouse scurrying in a house with almost no noise.  I pulled back the curtains with a hard tug. I saw two red devilish eyes staring back at me. I almost fainted. I ran with full force to my parents bedroom. My parents said to go to bed.

I went to my room with a sad and scared grin on my face. I was closing my curtains but then I saw a shadow against the barn it in the moonlight.  I closed the curtains completely and went back to bed safe and tired.

Alex Atchley

Grade 4

Valley View School    

I really like football. I like to look up the stats for football, every morning after a game and even during the football game.  I remember all those facts and tell  my mother, father, and brothers. Because I do it so much I have so many facts that I can remember a lot of them. I have been doing this since  I was 7. A couple years ago when I told my  brothers  about some football stats, they didn’t believe me.  So they went to go and check it .When they came back they said I was right. From that day on they believed me because they  know that I know my football facts.

Joshua Carey

Grade 4

Valley View School    

Once I was having a play date. It was dessert time and I was having fun talking to my friends. Then I had to go to the bathroom, so I went. When I came back to the table my parents thought I had not washed my hands. I tried telling them I had but no one would believe me. My parents said my hands were too dry. I tried explaining that I just dried my hands really well. They still did not believe me so I had to wash my hands again. I was really upset. That is a time when no one would believe me.

Sabrina Mickley

Grade 4

Valley View School    

A time when no one believed me was when I told my babysitter that I had no homework and she said that my mom would get mad if I was lying to her. Then when my mom got home, she didn’t believe me either. Once we checked the website on what homework I had, my mom finally agreed that I had no homework and that I was telling the truth.

Carleigh Staten

Grade 4

Valley View School    

A time when nobody believed me was when I got an iPad for Christmas. I told my best friend and my other close friends that I got an iPad. They said we don’t believe you. Then I told them that it is the truth. I asked one of my friends for their e-mail and she told me. But she said to text her to prove that I was not lying. So I got home and texted her and then she answered back I still don’t believe you and that I had to bring it to her house. So we scheduled a play date and I brought it over to her house. Then she was shocked that I was not lying to her. We went to school and told my other friends about it and they believed me. Then they all started to believe me.

Natalia Cywa

Grade 4

Valley View School    

One time that no one would believe me was when I told my friends that I saw an owl. We were on the bus and I was looking out the window. The bus stopped and I saw a little brown owl resting on a branch. I freaked out!

“”OMG AN OWL!”” I yelled. But, the bus started to go again. “”Guys! I just saw an owl!”” I told my friends. Every one called me a liar and said I was being a “”Liar liar, pants on fire.”” I was really sad when they didn’t believe me. I wished they’d believe me.”

Giada Rhinesmith

Grade 4

Valley View School    

One time I heard what sounded like thunder. I told my family that I thought there might be rain coming. They laughed and said that it was only the wind. I looked out the window and clouds were starting to cover the sky like dark grey ink. Then, lightning crackled across the sky and rain began to pour out of the sky.

Florie O’Brien

Grade 4

Valley View School    

One time me and my family were at a restaurant. As a waiter walked by I said ooh we’ve had that before I remember eating it here last time. The meal was pasta with meat sauce. My sister said “no I don’t remember having that meal.” My mom said “me either, I think you must be mistaken.” I protested ” but I remember clearly seeing it right in front of me!” Then my dad said “I have to agree with them we’ve never had that here.” So then I finally had to come to the conclusion that we had never eaten pasta with meat sauce here before.

Hope Dunleavy

Grade 4

Valley View School    

“A time when nobody believed me was when we went to Camp Hoover for Girl Scouts.  We were walking back to our cabin and I saw a cool looking rock.  I bent down to pick it up and it was a fossil…  I was so surprised.  Later in the day we had to leave.  My mom stopped the car, she started to talk to the lady near the exit.

I got out of the car and told the lady by the exit that I had found a fossil.

The lady by the exit said cool* cool* really cool kid. I had gotten the fossil out of the car and the lady by the exit said “” Wow! You really found a fossil.! I bet you the rest of it is somewhere around here.”” After that everyone believed me.  “

Geneva DiRe

Grade 4

Valley View School    

A time when nobody believed me was when I was camping with a few of my friends and we decided to do some bottle flipping. We all went to a picnic table and started to flip bottles. It took me a few minutes to land one, and I did. Then, I tried to cap it. It took me a few minutes to cap it and eventually I did. Next, I tried again and I capped it. Over and over I kept on capping it.  I counted at least 20 times of capping it.   Some of my friends who weren’t there didn’t believe that I capped the bottle at least 20 times

Hunter B. Doyle

Grade 4

Valley View School    

When I went camping I saw a shooting star but no one believed me.

Kathryn Lily Goad

Grade 4

Valley View School    

Me and my brother were camping out in our backyard this past summer. I was awakened by the sound of garbage hitting the ground. I heard growling and my big, giant garbage can getting knocked over. I froze and my heart was pounding with fright. I knew that there was only one animal that was big enough to knock that garbage can over…”There’s a bear right outside our tent!” I woke my brother up, and we heard it again. We both curled up together in the middle of the tent and eventually we both fell asleep. The next morning we told our parents about the bear and they didn’t believe us.

Gavin Rich

Grade 4

Valley View School    

One time no one believed me when I accidentally bought a movie for 16 dollars.

First I told my dad and he didn’t know what to say. Then I told my mom, she was surprised and then hysterically laughed.

Jaime Lynn Myers

Grade 4

Valley View School    

A time when someone didn’t believe me was when I was out on a hike near the spruce run reservoir and I had my camera out, taking pictures of the glinting water when a little white bird flew past overhead, I clicked my camera,”  A Seagull!” I exclaimed. “Dory, this is a reservoir, I don’t think you’ll see any seagulls here,” My dad said kindly “But it sure would make a good story.” I grumbled, “But I got a picture of it.” I said stubbornly. “I don’t think you saw a seagull!” said my sister Katie, “I did,” I said annoyed. Then my dad said “How about we eat lunch.”  I sat down at a bench, Katie followed me and sat the same piece of wood. “I brought sandwiches, grilled cheese for Dory, and Tofurkey and cheese for Katie, and lastly I got myself chunky peanut butter and raspberry jam sandwich,” my dad said while pulling three containers out of a sky blue backpack, “Now, let’s see that seagull.” I pulled out my camera and flipped through my pictures between bites. Where is it? I asked myself then I saw something out of the corner of my eye, the picture! I showed my family confidently. Then my dad said “Wow, Dory, those are beautiful trees, you really are a driven photographer!” I looked at the picture, just trees. The seagull was too fast for me, I guess that nobody will ever know it was here.

Dorothy (Dory) Goad

Grade 4

Valley View School    

One time no one believed is when I was in Seaside Heights and it was our last night and I went to go sleep in my cousin’s apartment for the night and her friend and it was about 10 pm when I went over. Then came the next hour when my mom wanted me to go inside, but I was having so much fun I sat in the door entrance. Then my mom went inside to the apartment she had rented and went in with my aunts. Then I was still talking and then he started playing a song and it was really good. Then after a little bit we went inside but we still talking. Then we went to the back of the apartment then he started playing again.

Then we went back inside and started talking about getting some food and now it was at least 12:30 and a Seven Eleven was right down the street so we decided to get a pepperoni and plain pizza but my cousin’s friend had a bad leg so he went limping down the street to get some pizza from Seven Eleven at 12:32 at night. Finally we got the pizza they were finished but then they asked me if I was down and I said “” Nope!”” and it was so funny because I said it like nope had a U like “”Noupe “” and they laughed and laughed but after that slice I was full. Then we went back outside for a little bit but after that we went to bed. In the morning we went home but we had a really fun time there but no one would believe that it was so much fun.

Brielle Jones

Grade 4

Valley View School    

One time that no one believed me was when my brother did not think I drew a picture in art class. He thought I traced it but I drew it myself. It was a really good dinosaur picture.  He would have believed me if it was sloppy. Later I told my brother that I had a little bit of help from the art teacher.  The teacher gave me a small post-it to help me get started. I was proud of that picture.

Spencer Corley

Grade 4

High Bridge Elementary School

Have you ever told anyone something almost too incredible or too terrible that no one would believe you? I told my brother what I did in school and he said I was lying. It was when I wrote my first article for The Democrat and I got published!

My brother said I didn’t get published because it’s hard to do.  Well, when my mom got home,  I told her that I was published in the Democrat!! She believed me! Later my dad got home and I rushed him right back out the door to pick up a copy! I got back and shoved the paper in my brothers face! “TOLD YA!!” I shouted. It was a great night, even though my own brother wouldn’t believe me!

Madison Silvestri

Grade 4

High Bridge Elementary School

Two Times That No One Believed me… Once my hockey team won first place and when I showed my grandparents they said, “No way!”   Finally the next time they visited they believed me.  I really can’t believe that they didn’t believe me. Another time my hockey friend did not believe me was when I was just fooling around doing the bottle flip and I flipped it down the stairs and capped it! I really can’t believe they didn’t believe me.

Tyler Kusznier

Grade 4

High Bridge Elementary School

One time, no one believed me that our cat, Pumpkin, was on top of the car. I said he was, but noo. My mom said, “I bet he jumped off.”

I said, “But Mom, Pumpkin is on top of the car.”

She said, “No,” and started to drive. She said, “See?”

And I said, “But he is.”

Then my sisters Abby and Amelia said, “No, he isn’t.”

I said, “Yes.”

So we drove up the road and he jumped off the car.

My mom said, “Well, you were right, but just this once.”

I said, “Told you so.”

Avery Schaefer

Grade 4

Milford Public School

When I was in 2nd grade I would say a lot of things that were not true. So people stopped trusting me. About a year ago, I went to Africa where I could climb trees. But no one believed me. I tried to show proof. But every tree was standing up straight in my pictures. So no one believed me still, but I always knew I did. Another time was when I could ride my bike on sand because that was where I learned how to ride a bike in Africa. But still no one believed me.

Malik Harouna

Grade 4

Milford Public School


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