

Donald Trump speaks before a large and raucous crowd at Everett’s Xfinity Arena. The wider American public is rendering a different judgment.  Just 44 percent approve of the job that the 45th president is doing.

Donald Trump speaks before a large and raucous crowd at Everett’s Xfinity Arena. The wider American public is rendering a different judgment.  Just 44 percent approve of the job that the 45th president is

Donald Trump comes onstage at Everett rally last August.  The early stages of his administration are receiving the highest disapproval ratings since pollsters began asking the question.(GENNA MARTIN,

Donald Trump comes onstage at Everett rally last August.  The early stages of his administration are receiving the highest disapproval ratings since pollsters began asking the question.(GENNA MARTIN,

The rollout of President Trump’s administration is not getting rave reviews, but thumbs-down from record numbers of Americans, according to a CNN/ORC national poll released Friday.

“A majority, 53 percent, disapprove of the way the President is handling his job … marking the highest disapproval for a new elected president since polls began tracking these results,” CNN polling director Jennifer Agiesta reported.

“Trump is the only president to hold a net-negative rating this early in his tenure.”

Just 44 percent approve of the way the 45th President is handling his job, seven points below the previous low point of 51 percent. A record 43 percent said they disapprove “strongly” of his performance.

The Trump figures are almost the exact reverse of President Obama’s poll approval as he left office after eight years, which 53 to 55 percent of Americans surveyed giving a thumbs-up job rating to the departing 44th president.

The grades given Trump are very different than those of previous presidents during their “honeymoon” period in office.

Ronald Reagan did get a 51 percent approval figure from Gallup early in 1981, but only 13 percent disapproved of the job that the Gipper was doing. George W. Bush had a 57-25 percent approval-over-disapproval rating.

“Most oppose the travel restrictions put in place by executive order last week, and 55 percent say they see it as an attempt to ban Muslims from entering the U.S.,” Agiesta reported. “Further, 6 in 10 oppose Trump’s plan to build a wall along the border with Mexico.”

By a 53-47 percent margin, those surveyed oppose the executive order, which bans entry to the U.S. for 90 days by citizens of seven Muslim countries, and slashes from 110,000 to 50,000 the annual number of refugees that America will accept.

Nearly half the participants in a Gallup poll said Trump is moving too fast in addressing the major problems facing the country today,

The promise to build a wall along the U.S.-Mexico border was Trump’s biggest applause line at rallies during the 2016 campaign. But only 38 percent of Americans want to build the wall, according to CNN/ORC, while 60 percent are opposed.

Fifty-six percent of those polled disapprove how Trump is handling immigration, 55 percent give him a thumbs-down on foreign affairs, and 53 percent do not approve of how he is dealing with terrorism.

Trump has blasted opinion polls in his omnipresent tweets, while conducting feuds with his “Apprentice” successor Arnold Schwarzenegger, and flaying actress Meryl Streep and legendary civil rights leader John Lewis.

The CNN/ORC poll was conducted by telephone from Jan. 31 through Feb. 2 — after the Trump immigration crackdown and resulting public uproar. A total of 1,002 adult Americans were interviewed, and the poll has a margin of error of plus/minus 3 percent.

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