If you’re a parent, you want your kids to be happy, healthy, and safe. But rich? That might not be something you’ve spent much time considering.

You might think that money sense isn’t something you need to actively teach — or that it’s a topic you can tackle when they’re teens. Wrong. According to Beth Kobliner, author of the new book “Make Your Kid a Money Genius (Even If You’re Not): A Parents’ Guide For Kids 3 to 23” (Simon & Schuster, out February 7), if they’re old enough to talk, they’re old enough to learn about money.

Even preschoolers are old enough to understand some simple financial lessons, and most kids have formed their basic money habits by age 7, according to a recent study out of Cambridge University. The number one influence on money habits and attitudes are, not surprisingly, mom and dad.

While parents don’t hesitate to take an active lead on other topics (see: the birds and the bees, religion, and how to treat others with respect), money is often the one thing that can be difficult to discuss. Kobliner suggests that this is because many parents might be ashamed of how they’ve handled their own finances, and don’t want to share that with their kids. Other parents might worry that talking about money might make kids worry unduly, and well-off parents might not think it’s something they need to focus on at all.

While passing on good financial sense is something you should be doing from early childhood to young adulthood, here are a few quick lessons to keep in mind:

If your toddler is playing with your wallet, that’s an opportunity to explain where money comes from, and how you use it to pay for things.

No one is suggesting you chat with your 4-year-old about compound interest, but you can adapt a lesson to meet your kid’s level. If you’ve recently lost your job, you might be ashamed, or feel like it’s not something you should share with your child. “It’s fine to say, ‘We’re going to cook at home more, since that costs less than eating out,” writes Kobliner. “Given the same scenario but with a kid in high school, talking about how the loss of an income will affect college financing would be not only acceptable but wise. You can discuss the reality that your family might not be able to put as much toward college expenses, but at the same time explain that she might qualify for more financial aid.”

Kids tend to tune out when a parent launches into full-on lecture mode; they pay attention to stories. Have a neighbor who put aside 1 percent of every paycheck for 10 years, allowing him to buy his dream fishing boat? Share the story. It will make a positive impact.

“Saying to your kid, ‘It’s so important to put money into your 401(k) even when you’re young’ is much less effective than offering an example. ‘If you put $315 every month into a 401(k) starting at age 22, by the time you reach 65, you could have more than a million dollars,’” Kobliner writes.

Research has shown that kids whose parents fought regularly about money are three times more likely to owe $500 or more on their credit card than kids whose parents did not fight about finances. It’s important to shield your kids from big money disagreements whenever possible. “If you and your spouse or ex are often at odds over money, you will need to figure out in private how you are going to work out a compromise,” Kobliner writes.

This one speaks for itself. If you’re an open pocketbook and simply pay their credit card bills but offer your kids no guidance about saving, the value of money, or how to work for it, you are not preparing them for the real world and you’re not doing them any favors, either.

“Make Your Kid a Money Genius (Even If You’re Not)” will be available February 7.

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