H2O Run at the Colorado Athletic Club, 1821 30th St, Boulder, 303-501-1700, wellbridge.com/colorado-athletic-club/boulder

Instructor: Lara Johnson has a doctorate in physical therapy and a master’s degree in health and exercise science. She is an athlete and at one time was a competitive distance runner. “I have been an athlete as long as I can remember, and this personal experience largely adds to my knowledge of the science of the human physiology as it relates to movement,” says Johnson. Primarily, she is a physical therapist, working with people to get them back on their feet after an injury. Her physical therapy work occupies much of her time; teaching workout classes helps her keep her hand in the exercise and physical fitness field.

What is the workout? When I contacted the Colorado Athletic Club about taking its H2O Run class, they told me that the class is held in their outdoor pool. I must admit, I was rather skeptical. I imagined I would need a wetsuit for the 35 degree weather. As I drove up, I was reassured by the steam rising from the outdoor pool. After changing into my swim suit I headed out to the pool, which was a little chilly without my shoes. I met Johnson and she handed me a floatation belt, which I secured around my waist, then I hurried into the warm water. Standing on the side of the pool, she showed me how to move my feet and position my body.

Running in water is not as straightforward as it may sound. It was difficult to tell if I was doing it right. Without a mirror I had to mentally focus on how I was moving my feet and leaning my body. We started off with a slow jog to get warmed up. Then we moved into intervals, running as fast as we could for short bursts, returning to a jog before sprinting again. Sometimes we would do scissor kicks or frog legs, moving our hips in different directions.

Johnson’s reminders to move our feet in a circular motion and engage our core were very helpful. I had to fight my basic instinct to swim in the water, pretending that I was running on land while I was only traveling a short distance in the pool. She referred to the exercise as “self-coaching,” pushing your body only as far as was comfortable. We ended with a couple of light stretches against the pool wall. Johnson encouraged us not to push into the stretch but just to feel light pressure.

What’s different? To state the obvious, the major difference of this class compared to otheres is that the entire workout happened in the water. Most aquatic classes are swim classes or water workouts generally focused on low-impact activity for older adults. The H2O Run class is in the deep-end of the pool, so it is non-impact and you are kept afloat by the belt. “This class is also different from water aerobics in that we are emphasizing a running form and performing intervals throughout the class. And it is different from swimming in that it is not quite as technique-oriented (although there is indeed technique involved!) Kalebet and we get to breathe whenever we want,” Johnson said.

Cost: Drop in classes are $30 if you aren’t a member of the Colorado Athletic Club. Membership rates are a big question mark. They weren’t willing to give me this information for the article.

Level: Anyone who isn’t afraid of water can take this class. The belts keep your head above water, there is no fear of going under if you get tired. Johnson repeatedly stresses that everyone should go at their own pace and listen to their bodies. There is no pressure to go fast. Since all you see are bobbing heads it’s impossible to compare yourself to anyone else in the pool.

When: Every Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 9:30-10:15 a.m. Each class is taught by a different instructor. Johnson teaches the Friday class.

What to prepare: All you really need is a swimsuit. I would highly recommend bringing sunglasses and a hat to protect yourself from the sun.

Muscles worked: Your whole body is working in this class. Johnson said, “There is a huge cardiovascular component to water running, since we are moving the whole time and keeping our heart rates up throughout the entirety of the class.” During the run my arms grew tired quickly. I didn’t feel exceptionally tired when I walked out of the pool. Without the telltale signs of sweating it’s hard to gauge how hard I worked. Later, when I walked upstairs, my legs felt sore. I noticed the day after that my muscles were more relaxed and less tired than they were before I took the class.

What I loved: I loved the low impact nature of the class. I’m a terrible swimmer, so I rarely get into a pool, and when I do I feel like a fish out of water. I’m convinced that lifeguards keep a close eye on me because they can tell I’m about to go under. With this class I didn’t feel intimidated or self-conscious. I could have been a flailing mess under the water but no one could tell. You can make this class whatever you want, a leisurely stroll or an intensive cardio workout.

What I didn’t like: I loved everything about the class, I didn’t however have the best experience with the Colorado Athletic Club. They were unorganized and my interaction with some of the front desk staff left a lot to be desired.

How I felt after the class: I felt refreshed, if a little chilly at first. It was a good start to my Friday morning.

Know of any interesting workouts? Tell us about them so we can check them out: quentin@dailycamera.com.

Know of any interesting workouts? Tell us about them so we can check them out: quentin@dailycamera.com.

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