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The University has 4,700 internship agreements that facilitate the link between students and the labor market.

UIC Barcelona participates once again in the Saló Ensenyament, where it presents its academic offer: 16 degrees, more than 15 double degrees and 38 international double degrees

Barcelona, ​​March 13, 2024.- UIC Barcelona is present for another year at the Saló de l’Ensenyament with its academic offer, supported by the job placement of its graduates. According to the latest 2023 Job Insertion Survey presented by AQU Catalunya, UIC Barcelona has reached its historical maximum in the job insertion index, with a value of 93.75%. The occupancy of UIC Barcelona’s undergraduate degrees is above the system average and, according to the survey, eight out of ten graduates carry out in their work the specific functions that they have learned in their degree.

For UIC Barcelona, ​​the incorporation of recent graduates into the labor market is a priority and, therefore, it offers students a wide range of internships from the beginning. The more than 4,700 internship agreements and the support of the University Advisory Council of the University, made up of personalities from the business, cultural and social world, have contributed to making UIC Barcelona a platform for linking with the labor market.

Currently, UIC Barcelona teaches around 9,000 students a total of 16 degrees, 8 double degrees, in addition to a wide range of postgraduate degrees, 38 international double degrees – with universities such as Politecnico di Torino, Boston University, Birkbeck University of London , Universidad de Belgrano or Rutgers School of Dental Medicine-, and seventeen official master’s degrees.

The University has two campuses, one located in Barcelona and the other in Sant Cugat del Vallès. The Barcelona Campus houses the faculties of Economic and Social Sciences, Communication Sciences, Humanities, Law and the School of Architecture, as well as the Doctoral School and the Campus of Experience intended for older students.

Degrees linked to the area of ​​health are taught at the Sant Cugat Campus, located at the General University Hospital of Catalonia. In a space for academic use of more than 21,000 m2, there are the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences (Physiotherapy, Medicine, Nursing, Bioengineering, Biomedical Sciences, Psychology, Nursing), the Faculty of Dentistry, as well as the Faculty of Educational Sciences, which shares a campus with health professionals to promote synergy with other areas of knowledge necessary in the educational field, such as Psychology or Neuroscience.

UIC Barcelona has a wide training offer that is characterized by personalized attention to students in an environment in which 106 nationalities coexist. The ultimate goal is to offer quality teaching where people are placed at the center, training them in critical thinking and promoting a caring mentality.

In line with its social commitment, UIC Barcelona offers aid and scholarships to students. The 2021-2022 academic year allocated 3.2 million euros in Academic Excellence scholarships.

The rector of UIC Barcelona, ​​Alfonso Méndiz, greeted the Minister of Research and Universities, Joaquim Nadal i Farreras, today at the University stand, during the opening ceremony, with whom he exchanged words and highlighted the high rate of job placement at the university. University: “We are very proud that UIC Barcelona has achieved a high job placement rate, since it shows that our graduates have a good entry into the labor market,” the rector commented with the councilor.

Space Science

As a University committed to research and the transfer of knowledge to society, UIC Barcelona will also be present this year at the Espai Ciència with workshops linked to bioengineering, biomedicine and physiotherapy. With the desire to show young people the research and innovation that UIC Barcelona develops in these fields, attendees who come to Espai Ciència will be able to explore the world of health and rehabilitation through physiotherapy, discover how the world that surrounds us can inspire the design of biomaterials applicable to bioengineering, or become biomedical for a day experimenting with tissues and bacteria.

Presence in the rankings

The UIC Barcelona project is supported by its presence in national and international rankings. In the first edition of the international ranking QS World University Rankings: Europe 2024, focused on European universities, UIC Barcelona has been placed in position =398 out of a total of 688 higher education institutions. Among the different indicators that make up this ranking, UIC Barcelona stands out in the teacher-student ratio, where it occupies the first position at the national level. Likewise, in the 2024 edition UIC Barcelona has been classified for the first time in the subject of Social Sciences in the international ranking Times Higher Education World University Rankings by subject and maintains its classification in the subject of Clinical and Health.

In addition to its presence in the rankings, UIC Barcelona has received international quality seals, especially in the field of Dentistry. In this sense, the University has been the first in all of Spain to obtain accreditation from the American Dental Association (ADA), which recognizes those institutions and organizations that offer continuing education for dental professionals and that have high standards of quality.

About UIC Barcelona

The International University of Catalonia (UIC Barcelona) was founded in 1997 with the aim of offering quality university education and promoting research as a service to society. Linked to the business world and with a marked international character, it teaches 16 degrees, 8 double degrees, around thirty international double degrees and a wide range of postgraduate programs on its two campuses, located in Barcelona and Sant Cugat del Vallés. As part of its commitment to society, UIC Barcelona also has three university clinics located on the Sant Cugat Campus: the University Clinic of Dentistry, Support – University Clinic of Psychology and Psychiatry, and Cuides UIC Barcelona, ​​focused on patient care. with advanced illnesses and palliative care.

For more information:

Elena Castellarnau Press Officer T. 34 93254 18 00 Ext: 4294 Immaculada 22, 08017 Barcelona elenac@uic.es