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The impact of technology, advances in research or the “dehumanization” of medicine are among the highlighted topics. Fenaer will bring together administrations, industry, health workers and patients at a discussion table to talk about access to new treatments. The biannual event aims to be a node for the exchange of knowledge to improve the lives of chronic respiratory patients, 7 million in Spain.
Madrid, February 29, 2024.- The Hospital Universitario de la Princesa, in Madrid, will host on March 1 and 2 the first edition of the National Convention for Respiratory Patients, organized by the Spanish Federation of Associations of Allergy Patients and with Respiratory Diseases (Fenaer). The latest advances in innovation, access to new treatments, concern for the security of health data and the humanization of pulmonology services will be some of the topics discussed in the program. More than a hundred members attend the meeting of boards of directors of associations and respiratory patients from all over Spain, as well as all types of entities in the health field and health professionals. The Convention aims to provide a platform for the exchange of knowledge and experiences between health professionals, researchers and patient associations, with the aim of improving the care and treatment of chronic respiratory patients, 7 million in Spain.Programming The programming of The convention opens on Friday with a day focused on technological advances that will affect the way chronic respiratory patients are treated. The opening will be led by Dr. Carlos Almonacid, pulmonologist and vice president of the Spanish Society of Pulmonology and Thoracic Surgery (SEPAR), together with Dr. Julio Ancochea, head of the Pulmonology Service of the La Princesa University Hospital, and Mariano Pastor , president of Fenaer. Dr. Ancochea himself will be in charge of the inaugural conference, which will address the challenge of humanizing hospital care. Various experts will then share their knowledge about the applications of technology in the care of chronic respiratory patients. Highlights include presentations on remote care, with Dr. Jorge Huerta, application of artificial intelligence in the field of health, by Pilar Ruíz Ayuso, Business Development Manager of Qcentroid, and virtual caregivers for patients with COPD, with Dr. María Soledad Alonso Viteri, head of the Pulmonology Service at the Torrejón Hospital. In addition, topics such as robotic lung transplantation will be explored, with the director of the first intervention of this type carried out in the world, Albert Jáuregui. On Friday afternoon, the security of health data will be discussed in a session with the contributions from Mar de las Heras, Director of Operations at Procesia, and moderated by Luis Fraga, communicator. Table on access to treatment with representatives of institutions. Saturday’s session will focus on access to treatments and research, with a discussion table in which Javier García del Pozo, deputy director general of Pharmacy of the Ministry of Health, will participate; Elena Gras Colomer, general director of Pharmacy of the Generalitat Valenciana; Isabel Pineros, director of the Access Department of Farmaindustria; Monica Rodriguez. Feder vowel; and Mariano Pastor, president of Fenaer. The discussion will be moderated by Fran Sánchez Becerril, a journalist specialized in Health. Later, the advances in some of the research carried out to achieve new treatments, or improve the perspectives of respiratory patients, will be addressed. Moderated by researcher Catia Cilloniz, president of Neumoai, cutting-edge topics will be discussed such as regenerative medicine for respiratory diseases, with Ana Pardo-Saganta, from the Justus Liebig University of Giessen (Germany); the identification of personalized therapeutic targets, led by Natalia Gallego, researcher of the PASIONHP Genetics project; or the future of COPD treatment, with Bernardino Alcázar, pulmonologist at the Virgen de las Nieves Hospital (Granada). A presentation will also explain to attendees the work that, against microbial resistance, is carried out in the Nanobiotechnology for Diagnosis group of the CSIC. Which is led by Dr. María Pilar Marco. The event, held every two years, has the unconditional support of the companies Chiesi, Sanofi, GSK, AstraZeneca, Oximesa, Boehringer Igelheim and Gebro Pharma, and the collaboration of the Hospital Universitario de La Princesa and SaludMadrid. Complete program by clicking here. Broadcaster: Fenaer
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