The 28th Social Court of Barcelona has recognized mental disorders of a content moderator who worked for a Meta subcontractor as a work-related accident, according to the ruling consulted by Europa Press this Thursday.

Specifically, the man worked for CCC Barcelona Digital Services, which sued the National Social Security Institute for declaring the disorders as a work accident, as now confirmed by the ruling reported by ‘La Vanguardia’, and with the intention that it be considered common disease.

The man, represented by lawyer Francesc Feliu from the Feliu Fins Legal Space, had worked as a content moderator in this company since September 2018 and was on sick leave from May 2019 to February 2021, with “panic attacks, avoidance behaviors, isolation at home and hypochondriform ruminations, feelings of dysphagia, nocturnal awakenings and significant thanatophobia.

In his job, he had to classify content so that inappropriate content was not published, and as a member of the ‘high priority’ team he had to see content related to terrorism, suicides, self-mutilations, beheadings of civilians at the hands of terrorist groups and torture.

“Each scene had to be seen by the actor several times, in its entirety, to ensure that the policy applied to that graphic content was appropriate,” remarks the judge, who adds that the company’s website qualifies its workers as heroes. not recognized on the Internet for their work of cleaning networks of inappropriate content.