The number of personnel providing their services in the General State Administration (AGE) has increased by more than 11,000, from July 2022 to July 2023, according to data from the latest Statistical Bulletin of Personnel at the Service of Public Administrations, published in January of 2024 and collected by the General Union of Workers (UGT).

Through a statement, the union has highlighted that this increase in personnel in the Administration is a reflection of the agreements signed on the Public Employment Offer, which have managed to alleviate the structural deficit of personnel that existed since the cuts introduced between the years 2010-2016.

As they recall, in the public employment offers of 2018, 2019 and 2020, a replacement rate of 100% was approved in priority sectors and 75% in the rest.

For the 2021 EPO, a replacement rate of 110% was achieved for priority sectors and 100% for the rest of the sectors. And in 2022 and 2023, it was possible to reach 120% in the priority sectors and 110% for the rest of the sectors.

The Secretary of General Administration of the State of UGT, Carlos Álvarez, has highlighted the importance of these data for the good health of the General Administration of the State and foresees a greater reduction in the deficit in the coming months, since the selective processes of 2020-2022 , especially the general bodies carried out by the Permanent Selection Commission, have not yet been finalized and the places for these bodies in the 2023 offer have not yet been announced.

Regarding this last aspect, UGT continues to demand greater speed from the Public Service both for its call and for the appointment of new public employees, especially for the execution of job offers whose processing is significantly delayed.