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The awards, promoted by Club de Negocios Talento, reward Juan Jesús Vivas, Vicente Martín, Sandra Ibarra, the Fundación Valentín de Madariaga, Rafael Porras, Laura Roa and Marina Alabau

Seville, May 13, 2024.- The second edition of the Talent Awards, promoted by the Talent Business Club and Crowe, has recognized the careers of personalities and institutions from the world of business, science, culture, sports and politics in an event held in the Real Alcázar of Seville with more than 250 attendees. Thus, the awards have valued the work carried out in their respective fields by Juan Jesús Vivas, president of Ceuta; Vicente Martín, co-founder and president of Grupo MAS; Sandra Ibarra, president of the Sandra Ibarra Foundation for Solidarity Against Cancer; Rafael Porras, president of the RTVA; Laura Roa, world pioneer in biomedical engineering; Marina Alabau, Olympic, world and European windsurfing champion; and the Valentín de Madariaga Foundation. Each of them has received a painting by the artist Antonino Parrilla, one of the main exponents of the so-called Sevillian Fantastic Realism. The objective of these distinctions is to recognize and promote talent in the field of culture, entrepreneurship, science and sports. , as well as everything that is included within Corporate Social Responsibility and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) of the UN. During the last edition, the winners were the José Manuel Lara Foundation; José Luis García-Palacios, president of Caja Rural del Sur; the businessman Miguel Gallego; the director Rosa Madrid (CBRE); the Port Authority of Seville; the Cristina Heeren Foundation; and the neurosurgeon Francisco Trujillo. The delivery ceremony was chaired by Álvaro Pimentel, third deputy mayor of the Seville City Council, president of the Plenary Session and councilor of the Cartuja Area, Innovative Parks, Employment, Economy, Commerce and Consumption and Bellavista-La District Palmera, together with Ana Jáuregui, manager of the Real Alcázar, and Adrián Fernández-Romero, president of Club Talento, an institution promoted by businessmen and managers from Andalusia. Leadership In this edition, the jury has valued the work carried out by each of the winners. Thus, Juan Jesús Vivas highlighted that, under his mandate, Ceuta has undergone a radical transformation, decisively betting on an economy based on new technologies and innovation. For his part, Vicente Martín highlights having placed MAS Group among the largest companies in the sector with a workforce of more than 4,000 workers. The company celebrated its 50th anniversary last year, when it received the Andalusian Medal for Economy and Business. Laura Roa, a physicist by training and emeritus professor of Systems Engineering, has been recognized for her contribution to the world of biomedical engineering, as well as her international relevance, being the most recognized Spanish scientist in the United States. Meanwhile, Sandra Ibarra receives the award for her work in the fight against cancer through the foundation that bears her name and which has become a benchmark in Spain and Latin America, promoting and financing campaigns and projects for prevention, awareness and research against this disease. As for Rafael Porras, his career in the world of journalism has been valued, holding positions of responsibility, among them, the presidency of the RTVA or the Andalusian management of the newspapers El Mundo and Expansión. Within the field of sport, the winner was Marina Alabau, Olympic, world and European champion on several occasions in the specialty of windsurfing. For her career, she received, among others, the National Sports Award in 2012 and was twice awarded the Royal Order of Sports Merit. Finally, the jury decided to award the Valentín de Madariaga Foundation for the important work it has been carrying out since 2003. in different fields, ranging from training and culture, to entrepreneurship and disability.

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