Sixteen listed companies on the Spanish Stock Exchange will be in the new Dow Jones Sustainability World Index (DJSI), prepared by the agency S

Specifically, BBVA, Banco Santander, Bankinter, Caixabank, Inditex, Amadeus, Ferrovial, Grifols, Indra, Acciona, Enagás, Endesa, Iberdrola and Redeia repeat in the index.

The airport manager Aena and the Socimi Merlin Properties make their debut in the world index, the last review of which was carried out on December 8 and whose changes will become effective on December 18.

Iberdrola has been included for the twenty-fourth consecutive year in the world index, Endesa for 23 consecutive years and Ferrovial for 22 years.

The Dow Jones Sustainability Index (DJSI), jointly developed by S


In the banking sector, BBVA, for the fourth consecutive year, has obtained the best score in the bank category in the European region and the second best score globally in the latest Dow Jones Sustainability Index (DJSI).

Specifically, BBVA has achieved the maximum score (100 points) in various areas such as transparency and reporting; fiscal strategy; human rights and customer relations.

The director of the bank’s sustainability and CIB area, Javier Rodríguez Soler, has argued that “on this path towards a green and fair transition we have a fundamental role as intermediaries; we are not the protagonists, but our role is decisive in accompanying the entire economy in its decarbonization”.

For its part, Caixabank has been included for the twelfth consecutive year among the best-rated banks in the world in terms of sustainability and is ranked as the thirteenth most outstanding financial institution in sustainability in the world with 82 points.

The entity has focused on obtaining the maximum score (100 points) in the areas of transparency and reporting, business ethics, information processing and cybersecurity, and human capital development.

For its part, Bankinter has revalidated its presence in the indicator for the sixth year and has stressed that it has obtained the highest score in the areas of transparency and reporting, customer relationship management and privacy.

The president of Bankinter, as well as the entity’s sustainability committee, Pedro Guerrero, has indicated that “Bankinter maintains its firm commitment to contributing to the transition of the economy towards a more sustainable model” and added that “continuing to be listed on the Dow Jones Sustainability Index worldwide represents reinforcement and recognition of the work of all the bank’s employees.”


For its part, Iberdrola has been included again in the index, which makes it the only European utility that has been present in the index during its 24 editions. “The selection demonstrates the group’s firm commitment to the highest environmental, social and corporate governance standards, since, from an initial universe of about 10,000 companies, only 10% of those listed with the best sustainability scores are selected. “, highlighted the electric company.

For its part, Endesa (which belongs to the Enel group) has been confirmed for the twenty-third year in the index as one of the eight electric utilities with the best sustainability performance.

Enagás has sixteen appearances in the index after this latest review, in which it has obtained 85 points, with special emphasis on the aspects of environmental policy and management systems, waste management and innovation management.

Likewise, the company in the energy sector has stood out in the areas of biodiversity, materiality, business ethics, cybersecurity and stakeholder management.

Ferrovial, which appears on the list of S

This year, more than 13,000 listed companies have been invited to participate in the analysis carried out by S