They assure that they have achieved all their demands
The unions that are part of the works councils of Renfe and Adif have called off the strike that was scheduled to begin this Friday and also last on November 30 and December 1, 4 and 5, as reported to Europa Press in union sources.
This has been decided by UGT, CC.OO., CGT, SF and SCF after reaching an agreement with the Ministry of Transport and Sustainable Mobility, in which Óscar Puente has just made his debut as minister.
The Ministry headed by the former mayor of Valladolid would have worked hard in negotiations with the unions with the aim of avoiding a strike that would affect thousands of travelers and that would have forced the cancellation of 1,548 trains.
For their part, the unions defend having achieved all their demands, mainly “the guarantee of integrity” of the public companies Renfe and Adif, the maintenance of the workforce and that the operation will continue to be carried out in both Renfe Mercancías and Rodalies.
Late in the afternoon the signing of the agreement was stamped, thus confirming the call for the strike. However, they have reserved the right to new calls if this agreement and its development are not fulfilled in its terms.
The call arose as a result of the agreement reached between PSOE and ERC for the comprehensive transfer to the Generalitat of Catalonia of the Rodalies (Cercanías) trains, due to fear of the possible fragmentation of these two companies, which would impact the rights of the passengers. workers.
The president of the Generalitat himself, Pere Aragonès, has stated that “there are no reasons for the preventive strike”, assuring that the rights of workers “will be fully guaranteed” with the transfer of powers.
Among the commitments that both parties have reached is the launch of specific negotiation tables to address both problems for which the strike had initially been called. In addition, a permanent dialogue table will be established between both parties to transmit the railway vision and model claimed by railway workers.
The ministry has been firmly committed to maintaining the socio-labor conditions of the workforce and especially, with the guarantee of integrity of Renfe and Adif, maintaining its workforce and its operation in both conflicts.
To monitor compliance with the agreements, without affecting the acquired rights of the workers of public companies, as well as to give time to generate teams and define responsibilities on the part of the Ministry, both parties have called themselves to a meeting before the December 15 to address all issues.