Minsait, an Indra company, believes that generative artificial intelligence (AI) will allow the automation of professional services with the greatest added value, as highlighted by Minsait’s Director of Strategy and Innovation, Silviano Andreu, at an event to present the preliminary conclusions of the ‘Ascendant’ report, scheduled for publication next March.

“In the future, all software will be AI, capable of automating reasoning activities related to analysis, decision-making and creation, and of learning and improving with accumulated experience,” highlighted Silviano Andreu.

Within the framework of the presentation, Minsait has analyzed the barriers, motivations and opportunities that artificial intelligence offers to businesses, organizations and people.

Thus, the digital transformation company’s forecast is that AI will experience “significant growth” in the coming decades and will drive all activities related to knowledge and information management.

In his opinion, it will also represent “the definitive takeoff of automation in its predictive aspect, with decision-making in physical asset-intensive sectors and its combination with IoT (internet of things) technology,” he said. outstanding Andreu.

Regarding the challenges, Andreu has focused on employment and regulation. “The development of AI will have a relevant role in the emergence of new jobs and, for this, public and private retraining initiatives and an adaptation of education plans to the new reality will be necessary,” she explained.

Likewise, he has emphasized the importance of regulating AI to ensure its responsible and ethical use, “ensuring the reliability and precision of the models, avoiding discrimination and biases and preventing the generation of content that can manipulate the opinions of consumers and citizens”.

For her part, the global director of AI at Minsait, Natalia Clavero, has agreed that “regulation is needed”, but has stressed that it must allow “taking out the positive side of AI with incredible potential.”

Regarding the future of AI uses, Minsait points to autonomous mobility, quantum computing and federated learning, among other elements. “All those who are able to share learning in areas such as the fight against fraud or risk mitigation will win,” Clavero assured.

The head of AI at Minsait has also placed emphasis on the governance of artificial intelligence, “the least attractive but the most important part.” “Companies must have an organized AI strategy, they must teach the organization to identify the best initiatives for the business and they must measure their impact,” she said.

“Because we want to do it and because they are going to demand it from us. European regulations are going to audit AI projects for variables such as ethics; robustness, that is, that they work correctly; security; and the ability to explain why AI has made a decision,” he added.

Of the generative AI projects on which Minsait has worked, “a company with specialized capabilities in data management and governance, the development of customized AI solutions and consulting services for their implementation in business processes”, the applications The most notable are three.

Specifically, the generative agent, which provides assistance and support to clients, citizens or employees and helps multiply the productivity of professionals; technological acceleration, related to the management of new software; and operational transformation, “because it can still be automated more and with decision-making capacity,” Clavero indicated.

In the first of the applications “the context is critical because, if the model does not have adequate, truthful and verified information, it will not respond well,” explained the head of AI at Minsait.

The second of them involves the so-called co-piloting, a tool that helps developers in the creation of software. “The next step is for it to be capable of carrying out massive tasks so that we can really talk about accelerators,” he said.

In the case of operational transformation, these are small accelerators that, Clavero stated, “on a day-to-day basis they can change our lives. Summarizing an audio, preparing a form* These are tasks that justify the concept of ally.”