Madrid, October 31, 2023.

When autumn begins, it is accompanied by a drop in temperature, a change in atmospheric pressure, a decrease in the hours of sunlight, the environment becomes more humid and people become more vulnerable to suffering from colds and other diseases. Thus, they may feel a physical and emotional depression. Seasonal changes influence a lot, since the body has to make an additional effort to adapt

For this reason, the opinion of Dr. Manuel de la Peña, academic, professor of cardiology and president of the European Institute of Health and Social Welfare, has been sought. In addition, the doctor has been awarded the Gold Badge of the Association of Coronary Patients (APACOR) and the Bronze Medal of the Society of International Studies (SEI). Professor de la Peña describes one by one his advice on habits and lifestyles for a healthy autumn:•  Heart-healthy menus. It is essential to maintain a diet based on many vegetables, legumes and fruits, with whole grains. A handful of nuts a day, all types of fish, especially blue fish (anchovies, sardines, salmon…), moderate consumption of lean meats. We must avoid ultra-processed foods and eat a diet based on organic products. Additionally, take 3-4 tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil daily.•  Vitamin D. It is necessary to take vitamin D supplements continuously, as they provide vitality. Normal blood levels should not be less than 30 and the optimal level to feel good is when you are at 50. In this way, you avoid lack of energy, muscle pain, joint pain or fatigue, among other symptoms. • Take vitamin Liposomal C, since this formula is better absorbed through the lymphatic system and, therefore, the defenses are strengthened and you are more protected against possible autumn colds.•  Hormone replacement. People over 40 should have an analysis done to find out their hormonal situation through their doctor. This way, they will be able to know if they have replacement needs for some type of hormone, such as testosterone, estrogen, progesterone… among others.•  Hydration. Drink at least 8 glasses of water a day, that is, 2 liters to prevent dehydration. It is also important to limit the consumption of drinks with high sugar content, such as soft drinks, juices and alcoholic beverages, as these drinks do not contribute to hydration.•  Do moderate physical exercise, at least 20 minutes a day, combined with light weight lifting. . In this way, the secretion of endorphins (happiness hormone) is increased and the body is toned, activating circulation, combating emotional stress and sleeping better. Exercise helps maintain a healthy weight, improves mood, and increases energy.•  Time change. On October 29, the time change arrived, which influences many people when there is an imbalance in the biological clock, decisive in sleep-rest. This can be offset by taking high doses of melatonin combined with tryptophan supplements. Quality is more important than the number of hours you sleep, since the key lies in ensuring that sleep repairs physical and mental fatigue, which is its primary function.•  Take care of the heart with strict control of hypertension and bad cholesterol fractions. Both women and men are exposed to cardiovascular events. To protect yourself from this, it is essential that blood pressure levels are less than 130/80, that LDL cholesterol is less than 70 and lipoprotein (a) is less than 50. Otherwise, they are cardiovascular risk factors that accelerate the process. of atherosclerosis, which leads to blockage of the arteries, with the consequent risk of heart attack.•  To deal with emotional stress and anxiety, typical of autumn, it is important to learn relaxation techniques, deep diaphragmatic breathing, music therapy (listening 30 minutes a day of music), meditation and mental control. This is how you manage emotions and master calm. Autumn is ideal to think about building a vital project.•  Dance school. This fall is a good opportunity to sign up for a dance school, where in addition to physical and mental exercise, you listen to music and socialize. Additionally, it helps create a feeling of belonging to a group or community to combat the loneliness that can be felt at this time of year.•  Positive mind and discipline. Train the mind as if it were a muscle that was being trained in a gym, with the sole purpose of building positive thoughts. Try to maintain a positive attitude in the face of all adversity. Work internally on discipline, which is the key to rigorously complying with the advice for a healthy autumn. Professor de la Peña, who in addition to being an academic, directs the Chair of Heart and Longevity, concludes by pointing out that the habits and style of Healthy lives are determining factors of health and longevity. And this is how he bluntly described it in his “Treaty of the Heart” (2010).

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