The total production of compound feed in Spain reached 37.5 million tons in 2022, which represents a decrease of 2.6% on the data obtained in 2021, when it stood at 38.5 million tons, according to the figures of the latest feed production report provided by the autonomous communities and manufacturers of feed, additives and premixes, including farms that manufacture feed for self-consumption.

This report, prepared within the framework of the National Coordination Commission on Animal Feeding (CNCAA), has reflected the reduction in feed production in Spain by 2.6% compared to 2021, a figure lower than that has occurred at the European level, with a drop of 3.8%, according to data from the European Federation of Compound Food Manufacturers (FEFAC).

The Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food has highlighted in a press release that among the data provided, the production of compound feed in Spain stands out, which remains the leader in the European Union (EU) and among the top ten countries in the world.

On the other hand, medicated feed has seen its production reduced by 35.9% compared to the previous year, which has reduced its percentage of the total set from 8.2% to 5.4%.