Wholesale prices in Germany registered a year-on-year drop of 2.9% last June, after the drop of 2.6% in May and 0.5% in April, which represents the largest correction of inflation to wholesale since June 2020, as reported by the Federal Statistical Office (Destatis).

The drop in wholesale prices in the sixth month of the year reflects the year-on-year fall of 22.7% in the prices of oil products. Likewise, the wholesale cost of grains, tobacco, seeds and animal feed decreased by 28.4%, while metals and metallic minerals became cheaper by 20.8%.

On the contrary, the prices of fruit and vegetables were 29.2% higher than the same month last year, as were the prices of live animals (20.7%).

On their side, construction materials and mineral construction elements were 7.7% more expensive at the wholesale level than a year earlier.