The two eldest children of Silvio Berlusconi, Marina and Pier Silvio, the fruit of his first marriage, will hold a controlling stake in Fininvest, the corporate vehicle through which the family controls the empire created by the businessman and politician, who died last month. June at 86 years of age.

According to Silvio Berlusconi’s will, to which the ANSA agency had access, Marina and Pier Silvio will control a 53% stake in the holding company in equal parts, while the rest of the family’s shares are divided between Barbara, Eleonora and Luigi Berlusconi. , fruit of his second marriage.

Marina Berlusconi is the current president of Fininvest, while her brother Pier Silvio is CEO of Mediaset.

In a statement published by Fininvest, “after the reading of the will”, the five children of Silvio Berlusconi have stressed that “no shareholder will exercise global and individual indirect control of Fininvest”.

On the other hand, the Italian agency has indicated that in his will Silvio Berlusconi bequeaths 100 million euros to his brother Paolo and another 100 million to his last partner, Marta Fascina, 33, in addition to leaving 30 million euros to his ex. assistant Marcello Dell’Utri.

Former Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi, a central figure in Italian politics in recent decades, died on June 12 at the age of 86 in Milan, suffering from leukemia.

Berlusconi, founder of Forza Italia, held the head of government of the transalpine country on three occasions: between May 1995 and January 1995, between June 2001 and May 2006 and between May 2008 and November 2011. His party is also partner of the current government coalition, along with Matteo Salvini’s League and Giorgia Meloni’s Brothers of Italy.