Alert against Feijóo’s economic project to reduce debt and taxes


The First Vice President and Minister for Economic Affairs and Digital Transformation, Nadia Calviño, has warned that if the PP reaches the Government and fulfills its promise to “repeal Sanchismo” the European funds would be in danger, and in some cases they would even have to be returned.

Calviño has also warned against Alberto Nuñez Feijóo’s economic project to reduce debt and taxes and assures that this would necessarily mean “cuts in the welfare state.”

In statements to Onda Cero reported by Europa Press, Calviño stated that the European funds have allowed Spain to modernize and grow higher than the rest of the neighboring countries, and for this reason he has insisted that it is necessary to continue with “a policy responsible economy”.

As he has remarked, the Government has agreed with the European Commission on reforms that correspond to what is recommended by international organizations and that have allowed Spain greater job creation and modernization.

“If he (Feijóo) changes all those reforms that we have put in place, European funds are naturally suspended. What’s more, we would have to return them, because those are the rules of the game,” the minister warned.

Calviño has given as an example countries such as Hungary, Poland or Italy, which have not received the funds or whose flow of funds has stopped due to their economic policy.

“Mr. Feijóo has only said that he is going to repeal sanchismo and that is repealing the reforms we have made; I interpret that his economic agenda would precisely go against the European one,” said the first vice president, warning that if some reforms are repealed a renegotiation with the Commission would have to be carried out.

The minister has advocated continuing with the current fiscal policy, a policy that she has branded as “responsible”, and has stated that if, as the leader of the PP has advanced, if they reach the Government, there will be massive tax cuts, ” then there will be cuts.”

“That is an issue that anyone of a certain age knows. It is that to balance the accounts you have to cut if you have less income,” Calviño explained, without clarifying whether the socialist electoral program will also include tax cuts.

The minister explained that the Government’s objective is “to consolidate the advances and achievements made in recent years and complete the process of modernization of our country that we have launched”.

During the interview, the head of the Government’s economic policy defended the work carried out by the Prime Minister, Pedro Sánchez, whom she assured is an “honest person”, necessary for our country “because of his leadership and his vision”.

“I think it has made a great effort to maintain the coalition government and I think this has been positive for Spain, because it has given us a political stability that contrasts with the countries around us and that is admired, and that has meant a great effort on their part”, concluded the minister.