Madrid, June 6, 2023.

On June 1, 2023, Telynet has turned 34 years old. Since that June 1, 1989, 34 years of growth, learning and expansion have passed. Last May Telynet Caribe was also celebrating 10 years

Telynet S.A. was born on June 1, 1989, with two workers, 500,000 pesetas [3,000 euros] and several partners who came from the economic and business sector. One of those founding partners is Enrique Bermúdez, currently CTO of Telynet. Over the years, Telynet has become the Telynet Group, with centers of excellence around the world. Being a Leader in Mobile Commercial Digital Transformation and Omnichannel, but it continues to advance and work on the development of new products, always with the latest technology, so that sales and distribution companies can make a digital transformation, as comfortable and consistent as possible. with your needs.Telynet has specialized in the creation and implementation of software products for companies, in the field of Mobile Solutions (SFA), Customer Relationship Management (CRM), Advanced Sales Servers, Bots, Image Recognition , Augmented Reality, Artificial Intelligence, Machine learning, Bjoin By Telynet (New RRSS for companies), etc. On May 31, Telynet Caribe turned 10 years old, and they celebrated it with a celebration with clients and friends. A great event organized in Santo Domingo (Dominican Republic) that was a complete success, you can see all the details of this party on its website -telynet-caribe-on-the-reason-of-its-10-anniversary/Web that they inaugurated a few days ago, a very favorable press release was written about this Web:’Telynet continues to advance with you’About Telynet From Created in 1989, Grupo Telynet has specialized in the edition and implementation of software products for companies of FMCG, Food, Beverage, Pharmaceutical, Cosmetic, etc. In the environment of Omnichannel Solutions for commercial management (Sales, Pre-sales, Self-sales, Telesales, Distribution, Collections, Point of Sale Manager, B2B, B2C, etc.) For more than 34 years, Telynet has developed extensive experienced Know-how in numerous projects and products developed successfully, in different countries. The extensive accumulated experience, the knowledge provided by its clients, as well as the continuous research to provide a better service, have made Telynet a Sector Leader, with more than 50,000,000 orders in 2022, more than 300 clients in more than 20 countries and more than 25,000 mobile users using its solutions. Telynet Group bases its growth on providing the best pre-sale and post-sale service in its mobile business management systems, therefore, by this year 2023 they expect to exceed 70,000,000 orders.

Contact Contact name: Pepi Landete Contact description: Marketing Department Contact telephone number: 664362521
