The president of the Valencian Community tourist housing association, Miguel Ángel Sotillos, heads the Valencian delegation next week that will participate in Malaga at the Vitur Summit and Vitur Forum Spain, the largest European and national forums on vacation rentals where managers meet professionals, investors, owners, professional companies, platforms, institutions, associations and media specialized in Tourism and Tourist Housing

Benidorm, May 5, 2023.- Sotillos has announced that during the three days of the event (May 10, 11 and 12), the sector will analyze the challenge of energy savings and the carbon footprint in Tourism, as well as such as the new trends in residential tourism, health tourism, and accommodation linked to the boom in remote work among digital nomads. The president of APTURCV and FEVITUR added that the meeting will once again demonstrate that the activity of apartments and homes tourism generates a very beneficial economic impact for cities, revitalizing neighborhoods and local businesses. In this sense, the head of the employers’ association has insisted that the 321,000 tourist apartments registered in Spain have generated an economic impact of more than 20,000 million euros, to which should be added another 20,000 million from foreign tourism that comes to Spain looking for this type of accommodation, according to the data from the Scale for the Observatory of Tourist Housing in Spain published by the Multidisciplinary Institute of the Company of the University of Salamanca. In addition, Sotillos has pointed out “since only 19.1% of the expenses of a tourist who stays in a tourist house go to accommodation, the rest, more than 80%, goes to spending during the stay, such as shopping, restaurants, leisure or culture, which directly benefits local commerce by monopolizing more than 60% of this expense”. Regularization against prohibition For the president of APTURCV and FEVITUR, the sector “has democratized tourism by allowing anyone to choose a type of accommodation within the reach of their possibilities and preferences, and it has also managed to relocate and seasonally adjust tourism in Spain, since tourist homes operate all year round and in all areas (large and small cities, areas beach, rural or unpopulated), compared to the traditional hotel operation of prices, services and destinations”. they will end up harming both the regulated sector and all the companies in the service sector”. VITUR SUMMIT 2023 The main challenge for the sector, as will be discussed next week in Malaga from VITUR SUMMIT 2023, is to promote the regularization and sustainability of tourism, and respond to new trends in residential tourism, health tourism, and accommodation linked to the rise of remote work among digital nomads. For this reason, Vitur Summit 2023 will feature three full days of debate in which more than 90 speakers and panelists will participate, industry leaders and from a variety of multinational companies, They will be joined by the more than 650 attendees that the meeting estimates to host. Among them, many of the main agents of the sector stand out, such as Carlos Rueda Charle from IDEALISTA, Anina Pira from JLL’S HOTELS

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