The Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, Luis Planas, has encouraged farmers and ranchers to “incorporate” one of the nine models of eco-schemes that the central Executive has designed to apply a novel system in the new Community Agrarian Policy (PAC ) in order not to lose funds and has announced aid for beekeepers, who have started protests.

In the case of eco-schemes, the Junta de Andalucía and the sector have repeatedly requested a moratorium on the application of this measure.

This was stated by Planas in an interview on Canal Sur Radio in which he acknowledged that “I understand the novelty” of the eco-schemes. “The first year is always difficult, but it is a year in which we are also going to have a flexibility of interpretation to allow this adjustment. I sincerely believe that it will be possible and I encourage everyone to make that addition because it is also important financially.” , has defended the minister.

The head of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food recalled that the eco-schemes “are already in force” and that the period is open until May 31. Until then, he has urged that farmers and ranchers “should look for” the model that “suits them best, declare it and from there logically apply it on their farm.” “We have made nine eco-scheme application models with which you can practically find one to take advantage of, which is a small additional effort but also to charge an additional amount”, he has sentenced.

In relation to the protests by beekeepers, who request a control of labeling and direct aid with which to overcome a delicate situation derived from the increase in costs and the drought, Minister Planas has announced that he “intends” to help the sector, “very vulnerable” and that “deserves the support of the Government and I hope that it also has it from the autonomous communities”. On the control of labeling, Planas has recognized that it is an “important” matter and that “the establishment of a label indicating the origin of the products will be discussed again this year” within the European Union Honey.