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– Children around the world call on leaders to deliver on their promises for universal education in a groundbreaking campaign by Education Cannot Wait

NEW YORK, Jan. 31, 2023/PRNewswire/ — Through an innovative campaign by the United Nations Global Fund for Education in Emergencies, Education Cannot Wait (ECW), girls and boys People around the world are sharing “Postcards from the Edge” to call on world leaders to deliver on their promises to ensure education for all by 2030, as set out in the Sustainable Development Goals.

“They are inspiring testimonials to the amazing power of education to transform lives. We must listen to the children of the world. They deserve their human right to education,” said Yasmine Sherif, Director of Education Cannot Wait.

In the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Lucas*, a 14-year-old refugee from the Central African Republic, tells the story of how he watched his mother murdered and his village burned down.

Thanks to a multi-year resilience program run by UNHCR with funding from ECW, the boy is back in school and dreams of one day being a doctor.

In his postcard, Lucas makes an impassioned appeal to world leaders to “think of us refugee children and provide us with funding so we can finish our studies.”

Several letters were received from girls and boys in Afghanistan. With new regulations banning girls’ education and stripping women of their human rights, it is unclear whether Zehab*, from Uruzgan province, will be able to continue her education. But for now, she can attend a community-based non-formal learning program.

“I want to get an education and become a well-known doctor. But I wonder if I won’t be able to fulfill my dreams, since girls are not allowed to attend school in Afghanistan,” she said in her postcard. I appeal to world leaders to help us and give us the opportunity to learn and lead our future.”

Globally, 222 million girls and boys like Zehab and Lucas see their futures snatched away by the converging effects of conflict, climate change, forced displacement and other protracted crises.

Leaders from around the world will gather at the Education Cannot Wait High-Level Conference on Financing on February 16-17 in Geneva, Switzerland. During the event, young advocates and world champions will read Postcards from the Shore to ensure the voices of the world’s most vulnerable children are heard.

*Names have been changed for privacy.

Photo – https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/1992292/ECW_Postcards_form_the_Edge.jpg

Logo – https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/1656121/Education_Cannot_Wait_Logo.jpg

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