Men in Spain earn 11.8% more on average per year than women, according to a report by Adecco Learning

In the document prepared by the consultant, entitled ‘Report on the Equality of Women and Men’, over the last two years it has analyzed the Equality Plans of more than 300 companies throughout the Spanish territory (more than 95,000 jobs of work), both less than 50 employees and more than 250.

After this work, Adecco warns that 19.7% of the companies analyzed have a salary gap greater than 25%, a figure that it considers “important” because, according to Spanish legislation, when this percentage of 25% is exceeded ” a justification must be included that said difference responds to reasons unrelated to the sex of the workers”.

Another of the data that the report highlights is that the largest wage gap is detected in the food industry sector: marketing and distribution (34.9%), followed by the chemical industry (23%). On the other side, there is the Transportation and Storage sector with the smallest wage gap, 4.29%, and Wholesale Trade, with 6%.

Adecco points out that there are few sectors among those analyzed where the wage gap occurs in favor of women, although there are exceptions, such as the agricultural sector, in which women receive an average salary of 23.9% more than men or that of Public Administrations, with 14.5%.

On the other hand, the report has analyzed the remuneration policies that, as highlighted, are not present in almost any of the companies studied, although those marked by the reference sectoral agreements do apply. Also in general, according to the document, companies do not have a standardized procedure regarding salary supplements, variable salaries and/or social benefits to apply. In this way, the experts explain, the basis of these procedures is based on “random and subjective criteria.”

In the same way, it criticizes that 47% do not describe the different jobs with specificity and that more than half (52%) of the companies analyzed do not have an objective personnel selection process as the number of employees increases. template. And it is that, according to the report, “for a correct selection and hiring of personnel it is necessary to define the job position in a neutral way, without gender stereotypes or connotations associated with one or the other sex”.

This generates other figures, such as that almost half of the companies in the survey (49%) periodically detect the training needs of the workforce, that 63% have not defined their salary promotion policy and that only 23% have a Career plan that allows the professional progression of your employees.

According to the study, it also influences the fact that there is less representation of women in management positions: only 7.2% of the women in the sample hold senior management positions, compared to 15.6% of men, according to Adecco. . In addition, it points out that this trend is maintained for intermediate positions: while 20% of men hold these positions, in the case of women the percentage is 15.9%. In addition, men promote 48% more than women.

And, finally, another of the aspects that the report points out is the safety of work environments. In this case, the experts indicate “main deficiencies” the abstraction of conduct classified as harassment, that there are no instructions that contemplate complaint mechanisms and the tendency to unify in a single procedure the detection, prevention and complaint of different types of harassment.