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Barcelona, ​​January 31, 2023.

Coinstar kiosks have increased their number of users by 30%, which has translated into 37% more additional billing for their partners compared to 2021

Coinstar has closed 2022 with positive figures, both for them and for the sector in which they operate. They have channeled 50.5 million euros in extra billing to the retail sector, which is 37% more than in 2021. There are numerous retail brands that support Coinstar in Spain: Carrefour Spain, Eroski, Caprabo, E. Leclerc, Masymas Supermercados, Musgrave España, Condis, Cash Díaz Cadenas, Cash Barea, Cash Jurado, Valero, Grupo Bolaños, Hiber Supermarkets, Grupo Amigos, La Comercial and Terencio Supermercado. Coinstar gives value to its partners, which they have been able to verify firsthand hand the benefits that their kiosks offer to retailers. The increase in its billing is due to the growth of Coinstar, which has maintained and increased consumer confidence. More than 1,200,000 users have used one of its kiosks during 2022, 30% more than in 2021 and double the number of users than in 2020. In total, more than 3 million consumers have already used a Coinstar kiosk to exchange their coins for coupons. In addition, the average number of coins exchanged per transaction registered by Coinstar has increased to €43. Coinstar brings benefits to retail throughout Spain Coinstar is present in all provinces and has ended the year with more than 510 kiosks installed . It is a perfect partner for the retail sector, as it improves the value proposition of the points of sale and helps increase the number of customers and, therefore, billing.Retailers have analyzed the service offered by Coinstar and ensure that the 92% of users rate it positively, and 95% consider that they will use it again. With these satisfaction ratios, Coinstar is a very powerful tool for customer acquisition and loyalty. By 2023, Coinstar expects to expand the installation of kiosks and increase its partner portfolio. His intention is to establish a limited number of kiosks per region to guarantee the billing of his partners and he hopes to reach a point of saturation in some areas upon reaching the maximum installation limit. About Coinstar Coinstar was born with the idea of ​​reactivating the stagnation of coins low denomination. It is estimated that there are more than 1,800 million unused euros in piggy banks and consumer drawers. Consumers can use the kiosks in a simple way: they insert the coins, they are automatically counted and redeemed for a coupon. Consumers spend 77% of the value of these coupons at the point of sale, since they have the opportunity to take advantage of the money they keep in their piggy banks to treat themselves, improve their purchase level or take advantage of all their purchasing power in the face of the inflation situation that triggered in 2022. Coinstar provides a turnkey service, both to retailers and wholesalers, with presence in hypermarkets, supermarkets and Cash centers

Contact Contact name: Jacques Giribet – General Manager of Coinstar España Contact description: Jacques Giribet – General Manager of Coinstar España Contact phone: 900 423 550