Is it worth claiming from your insurer for a broken windshield? Not really, especially if you have a high deductible.

Let’s start at the beginning. Windshield damage coverage is not automatically included in all auto insurance policies. It is usually offered in policies with all-risk protection or non-collision accidents (fire, theft, vandalism).

Concretely, the Quebec winter puts our windshields to the test.

Debris or a stone thrown by another vehicle can cause serious damage. A cracked windshield must be replaced as soon as possible, as it is part of the vehicle’s safety equipment. It will prevent a passenger from being ejected in the event of a collision, as it is designed to withstand 180 kg of pressure per square centimeter.

However, replacing a windshield easily costs $600 to $1,200 ($723 to $824, according to the Insurance Bureau of Canada) depending on the vehicle model. And we always use a new part. In this context, is it worth making a claim to your insurer? It depends on the deductible, which is usually $100 for this type of damage.

keep an embarrassment

In Quebec, an auto insurance deductible normally varies between $50 and $250.

Remember that the deductible is the amount you pay out of pocket in the event of a claim. If the replacement costs $600 and your deductible is $250, I suggest you pick up the full bill. This bill is no comparison to an accident resulting in repairs that, for example, would cost $4,500.

Because claiming from your insurer has consequences: the claim is recorded in the file and could result in a premium increase at renewal… or not. Some insurers are more understanding than others. But, in an inflationary environment where repair costs have been steadily rising for years, I wouldn’t bet on that.

Obviously, making claims every winter is contraindicated. Certainly, some motorists are unlucky. And there is a difference between heating up a Ford F-150 on forest roads and a Honda Civic in the east end of Montreal or Limoilou.

On the other hand, increasing your deductible will possibly result in juicy premium reductions.