Here are the deadliest snowstorms and cold spells in the United States for thirty years.

• Read also: “The blizzard of the century” is not over yet, warns the governor of New York

• To read also: [EN IMAGES] Shoveling never seen in Buffalo: their vehicles buried under meters of snow

The one that has been hitting the United States for several days has already killed at least 47 people in nine American states, including 25 in Erie County alone (western New York State).

Cold snap in 2021

From February 13 to 19, 2021, a historic cold snap hit the United States, from the east coast to the west coast, passing through Texas and Louisiana in the south, regions with usually mild temperatures. It kills at least 70 people according to the American media, and millions of homes are without electricity.

The cold wave also killed at least six people in northern Mexico.

«Snowzilla» en 2016

From January 22 to 24, 2016, snowstorm Jonas – nicknamed “Snowzilla” – hit the east coast of the United States and in particular New York, killing at least 33 people.

More than 11,000 flights are canceled. New York is experiencing the second heaviest snowfall in its history with more than 67cm falling on Central Park, while Washington International Airport is buried under 56cm of powder snow.

Cold snap in 2007

Mid-January 2007, a cold spell accompanied by freezing rain and snowfall caused 42 deaths in car accidents in a few days in Oklahoma, Texas, Missouri, Iowa, Michigan, New York and Maine.

«Blizzard 1996» 

From January 7 to 9, 1996, a snowstorm killed several dozen people, most of them in road accidents, on the east coast of the United States.

The storm, dubbed “Blizzard 1996” by the media, was followed by another a few days later, and then flooding. According to the National Weather Service, Blizzard 96 caused 154 direct and indirect deaths during the month of January.

“Storm of the Century” in 1993

On March 13 and 14, 1993, the “Storm of the Century” killed 270 people in the United States according to the National Weather Service.

To this must be added 48 missing aboard two cargo ships that sank: a Liberian off Nova Scotia (Canada) and a Honduran off Florida.

Pennsylvania, Florida, New York, North Carolina and Alabama are the states most affected by the storm, which paralyzes the east coast of the United States for nearly 48 hours.

There are also five deaths in Canada, three in Cuba and five in international waters off Florida. This state records 50 tornadoes, waves of almost nine meters on the coast and 1.20 m of snow in some counties.

The snow and the cold do not spare the “deep south” (42 cm of snow and -16 degrees centigrade in Alabama).

Many victims, usually elderly, are killed by the cold, sharpened by an icy blizzard. Many succumb to heart attacks while trying to clear snow and ice in front of their homes.