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PARIS, Dec. 13, 2022 /PRNewswire/ — In order to respect the equity of Artmarket.com shareholders, the market and their access to any information likely to influence the share price, Artmarket.com must inform the market and its shareholders of the publication of an extensive article by Marielle Mayo, entitled “Abode of chaos, a metaverse in the making” published in December 2022, in n°2208 of the monthly magazine Géomètre© (created in 1847).

This article provides information about the Metaverse of the Organe Contemporary Art Museum managed by La Demeure du Chaos / Morada del caos (as The New York Times called it), extended to the headquarters of Artprice, specifically about the NFT market linked to the Blockchain .

At a time when quite a few large companies have a Metaverse in the making, this well-researched scientific article sheds light on the monumental company of Grupo Server (parent company) and Artprice by Artmarket, who have come to the conclusion that surveyors, being experts in spatial data, are most competent to achieve a truly concrete Metaverse.

As Philippe Barthélémy, co-founder of Iconem and head of the TT Geomètres Experts (TTGE) 3DLab team, who has worked in the metaverse of the Artprice by Artmarket headquarters, points out: “The surveyor has the necessary experience to certify a point in space. With the development of digital technology, almost infinite fields of information can be associated with it. In the metaverse, our goal is to transform this “smart” point into an “intelligible” point using algorithms. All of this is part of the same value chain “.

Below is the Spanish translation of the original article in French.

A special thanks to the monthly magazine Géomètre©, as well as Marielle Mayo.

The Abode of Chaos, a budding metaverse

Located near the French city of Lyon, the “Abode of Chaos” (Demeure du Chaos) and its open-air museum of contemporary art have been fully digitized in collaboration with a surveying company. The data generated will be the basis for the creation of a metaverse in the form of an escape game…


In the hills north of Lyon, nestled between the green Monts d’Or and the Saone River, the village of Saint-Romain-au-Mont-d’Or offers a haven of peace. Upon arrival, it is understandable that you experience some surprise to discover, at the bend of a street lined with brownstone bourgeois houses, the blackened walls of the Abode of Chaos, fully lettered with inscriptions and portraits… in the style of street art. Behind these walls, Thierry Ehrmann, businessman and sculptor, has transformed Domaine de la Source, a 17th-century property, into an open-air museum of contemporary art where monumental sculptures, shipping containers, giant skulls, aircraft wreckage, and industrial machinery are they rub shoulders with hundreds of large-scale wall portraits, inscriptions, and a plethora of esoteric formulae. Thanks to the exhaustive work of the multidisciplinary teams of surveyors since 2020, TT Géomètres Experts, this post-apocalyptic work of art has been completely digitized.

“Remarkable contemporary architecture”

Founder of the Groupe Serveur, a company specializing in databases, and of its subsidiary Artprice, the world leader in information on the art market, Thierry Ehrmann has always been a digital pioneer and has been interested in computer-generated images since its inception. Creating a virtual double of the Demeure du Chaos seemed like an obvious choice, but the challenge was considerable. In the end, the various lockdowns associated with the Covid-19 crisis provided a perfect opportunity for the museum to close its doors and start construction. This coincided with an effort to obtain the “Remarkable Contemporary Architecture” label, which, in addition to establishing a formal architectural analysis of the Abode, sought to gain official cultural recognition as a way of protecting its “great work” in a lengthy legal dispute with the local council that started in 2004.

With this idea, Ehrmann contacted the architect Nicolas Detry, specialist in the “patrimoine martyr”, because, with its scarified walls, its bricked-up windows, its soil gutted by a meteorite, the old estate has been transformed into a ” total work of art”, drowned “in a state of permanent war”, with some installations that recall the attacks of September 11, 2001 and other events of great magnitude that damage the planet, such as oil slicks, all surrounded by portraits and inscriptions that echo world news. In fact, each of Ehrmann’s interventions, as well as those of his guest artists, reveal new traces of our troubled times. For this reason, the formal architectural analysis of the site was an important step in elucidating the artist’s approach, and the detailed architectural study of the property was an essential part of this process. “We decided to digitize the entire site: the 6,300 works of art, the sculptures, the volumes, the buildings, the plants, everything! – following the European heritage conservation standards, with meshes on the surfaces and volumes of the entire space” explains Thierry Ehrmann. Nicolas Detry put him in touch with Philippe Barthélemy, head of the TTGE group’s 3D Lab.

The first meeting, in July 2020, laid the foundations for a technical documentary project with a digital scientific dimension, georeferenced and endowed with a sub-centimeter resolution. “I have been familiar with the most advanced 3D imaging systems for twenty years. What we needed was a top-level team of surveyors. Their role as experts in collecting spatial data is vital to recreating virtual spaces that accurately represent real spaces, And that’s what we wanted!” says Thierry Ehrmann enthusiastically. The objective was to capture the uniqueness of each work, but also to create graphic illustrations that would allow a better understanding of the whole, highlighting certain recurring artistic/architectural features, such as the addition of some materials (poured concrete, inclusions of meteorites in the facades, etc. ) and the removal of others. “In the real world, I used a cherry picker to ‘sculpt’ the thousands of square meters of facades of the work with a hammer and chisel,” explains the artist.

The baseline project submission date was set for November 2020, and a tight schedule was drawn up for data acquisition, covering 7,555 m2 of the 9,000 m2 total area, as well as processing and calibrated colorization of all different artistic and architectural initiatives. Philippe Barthélemy worked with a team of about fifteen TTGE employees, each in his specialty. “We developed a specific and flexible methodology to manage the complexity and volume of data produced during the acquisition process,” he explains. The mission included the creation of a georeferenced polygon map, Lidar data acquisition and a high-resolution photogrammetric survey of the entire site, as well as all the calculations and processing required for the creation of a resized, georeferenced 3D digital twin. Terrain data was acquired with a 3D Z F laser scanner (Zoller

Beyond the purely technical challenge, this extraordinary project implied precisely measuring the artistic and architectural initiatives and proposing modes of representation that would serve as true tools for understanding and documenting the works. “Site surveying can be extremely useful in very diverse contexts, as long as the equipment is adapted to the specific needs of each location,” says Philippe Barthélémy. Thus, while Nicolas Detry and the historian and archaeologist Raphaëlle Rivière produced a historical and archaeological analysis, the TTGE team provided ground and elevation plans, architectural surveys and orthophotographs, 3D models, longitudinal and cross sections, heat maps using gradients color to highlight the additions and deletions of materials, using different illustration methods to compose eleven graphic plates that will identify and highlight the main works. In summary, the potential uses of digital data are numerous: measurement and documentation of the evolution of the place, planning of new projects, simulations, etc.

TTGE also produced 37,000 360° panoramic shots and 18,000 360° videos in 4K and 8K, whose time-stamped and localized files respectively correspond to 940GB and 1.2TB of data. Taken together, the results of his work provided a perfect foundation for Thierry Ehrmann’s latest project: “The idea is to make a metaverse (editor’s note: a virtual metauniverse) of the Abode,” he explains. As a first step, he asked TTGE’s innovation center to develop a general public interface that would allow immersive tours in virtual and augmented reality. “In this virtual environment, the public will be able to discover new aspects of the Residence, for example, by safely climbing onto the platform located above the east wing, entering certain works and accessing private areas. Everyone will also be able to access historical documentation and videos”, summarizes Thierry Ehrmann.

A dynamic digital twin

During the first half of 2023, an intelligent navigation system should be launched. “We see the metaverse as a dynamic digital twin, the challenge is to bring it to life and allow an exchange between the creator and the public of it,” says Philippe Barthelemy. The algorithms of the recommendation engine will guide the “experimenter” in an intimate discovery of the artist’s approach and the connections between the works based on their sensitivity regarding the history and/or aesthetics of the works, the techniques used and the messages geopolitical or esoteric, and will offer you a tailor-made tour of the collections. This is the cornerstone of a broader metaverse, which will also offer an “agora” to host thematic events and integrate activities related to the art market initiated by Artprice, and in particular the NFT market (since the technology of the NFT allows the exchange of digital works associated with a cybernetic registry [blockchain] that is supposed to contain unfalsifiable property titles).

A smart dot becomes intelligible…

Arguably, this has nothing to do with the work of a surveyor… However, for Philippe Barthélémy, the arrival of metaverses at the service of culture offers opportunities for a profession that will greatly benefit from the integration of new skills, especially in AI, to position itself in the market. “The surveyor has the necessary experience to certify a point in space. With the development of digital technology, almost infinite fields of information can be associated with it. In the metaverse, our goal is to transform this “smart” point into a point” intelligible” through algorithms. This is all part of the same value chain,” he concludes.


The Abode of Chaos becomes an open-air contemporary art museum (Musée l’Organe) created in 1999. It is also the headquarters of Artprice by Artmarket and its parent company, Groupe Serveur (with its nine subsidiaries).

2.21 million visitors

Open to the public free of charge since February 2006, the museum receives 180,000 visitors a year, 25% of whom come from abroad, and has received a total of 2.21 million visitors since its opening.


Arriba: Thierry Ehrmann (izda.) and Philippe Barthélemy.

Right page: the Bassin des Vanités, emblematic place of the museum, and its 3D framework. Opposite page: The skull from a 3D textured model.

The walls of the Abode of Chaos are scrawled with inscriptions and portraits, in the style of street art. An artistic dimension that the surveyors had to integrate into their work.

About Artmarket:

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Artmarket and its Artprice department were founded in 1997 by its CEO, Thierry Ehrmann. Artmarket and its Artprice department are controlled by Groupe Serveur, created in 1987.

See certified biography in Who’s who ©: Biographie_thierry_Ehrmann_2022_WhosWhoI…

Artmarket is a global player in the art market with, among other structures, its Artprice department, a world leader in the accumulation, management and exploitation of historical and current information on the art market in data banks containing more than 30 million indices. and auction results, covering more than 800,000 artists.

Artprice by Artmarket, the world leader in art market information, aspires to be the world’s leading Fine Art NFT platform through its standardized global marketplace.

Artprice Images® allows unlimited access to the world’s largest Art Market image bank: at least 180 million digital images of photographs or engraved reproductions of works of art from 1700 to the present day, annotated by our art historians.

Artmarket, with its Artprice department, permanently collects data from 6,400 auction houses and produces key information on the Art Market for the main information agencies and media (7,200 publications). Its 5.4 million users (“registered members” social networks) have access to advertisements posted by other members, a network that today represents the world’s leading Standardized Marketplace® for buying and selling works of art at a fixed price or at an offer price (auctions governed by sections 2 and 3 of article L 321.3 of the French Commercial Code).

Artmarket, with its Artprice department, has been awarded the “Innovative Company” label by the Public Investment Bank (BPI), (for the second time in November 2018 for a new period of 3 years), which supports the company in its project to consolidate its position as a global player in the art market.

Artprice publishes its report on the ultra-contemporary art market in 2022: https://www.artprice.com/artprice-reports/the-contemporary-art-market-report-2022

Artmarket.com Presents Artprice 2022 Semi-Annual Report: The Art Market Is Growing Strong Again in the West: https://www.artprice.com/artprice-reports/global-art-market-in-h1-2022-by -artprice-com

Artprice Global Art Market Report 2020, published March 2022: https://www.artprice.com/artprice-reports/the-art-market-in-2021

Artprice report on the contemporary art market in the period 2020/21 by Artmarket.com: https://www.artprice.com/artprice-reports/the-contemporary-art-market-report-2021

Index of press releases published by Artmarket together with its Artprice department: serveur.serveur.com/press_release/pressr…

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Discover the alchemy and universe of Artmarket and its artprice department https://www.artprice.com/video based in the famous Organe Museum of Contemporary Art “The Abode of Chaos” (dixit The New York Times): https:/ /issuu.com/demureduchaos/docs/demureduchaos-abodeofchaos-opus-ix-1999-2013

Media contact: Thierry Ehrmann, ir@artmarket.com

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