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“Black Friday” is a date expected by many people who seek to avoid the high cost of living, taking advantage of this date to purchase products at a better price. In this context, one of the most popular tools is appliance insurance and warranty extension, making it a solution that protects the appliance, even after its legal warranty has expired.

Economic uncertainty drives many consumers to be increasingly attentive to events such as “Black Friday”. In fact, especially this year, the sales season is marked by the need to “get ahead” of a possible price increase.

According to data from the “Black Friday 2022 Report”, carried out by Webloyalty, in 2022 “online” purchases on “Black Friday” will increase by 25% compared to the year 2021. It also points out that during “Cyber ​​Monday”, another important date for the commerce sector, sales will register an increase of 14%.

On the other hand, among the products that lead the “most wanted” lists this season, household appliances stand out, followed by electronic devices; a trend that is also reflected in contracting Extended Warranty insurance.

According to data from Allianz Partners, a leading Insurance and Assistance company, in the month of November 2021 it registered 10% of the total contracting of annual policies of its “Appliance Protection” (MDDR) line, dedicated to offering warranty extensions to products brown range and gray line. Taking into account that October 2022 already closed the month with 11% hiring, the entity foresees a significant increase during this November.

In addition to being a tool that protects in the long term what is invested in the purchase of an electrical or electronic device for economic reasons and family savings, the warranty extension is a type of insurance that ensures two of the R’s of recycling: repair and re-use.

According to company experts, “the design of protection solutions for household appliances responds to the demand of more than 50% of policyholders. Having solutions that offer peace of mind in the event of possible breakdowns or damage has become a priority for customers who seek extend the life of your household appliances, lowering costs and reducing your footprint on the environment”.

In the case of Allianz Partners, the company offers to add to the manufacturer’s warranty, the possibility of, at the time of purchase, hiring additional protection that covers the cost of possible repairs, with differential coverage such as:

José Luis Tirador, Commercial Director Allianz Partners Spain, indicates “at Allianz Partners we are proud to offer quick solutions to our clients. In these times, we need to feel safe and we want to offer millions of people the certainty that, if they invest in a product today, they won’t have to do it again soon, because in the event of a breakdown or accident, we’ll be there to fix it. Extending the life of household appliances, so necessary in our homes, is also one of our ways of contributing responsibly to environment”.

ContactContact name: Beatriz ToribioContact description: Contact telephone number: 34 639 269 253