Emi Chicoine plays a young woman accused of murder in the daily “Indéfendable”, demonstrating once again her great talent, she who grew up on the sets and who is as interested in acting as in directing.

After having played in “Horse-Snake”, “Plan B 2”, “The secondary effect”, “The eye of the cyclone” and “Six degrees”, the 20-year-old actress lends her features to a first in class whose the momentum is abruptly stopped when her boyfriend broadcasts, without her consent, intimate images of her. Intimidated at school, Mathilde, the character of Emi, hides in her room for a year. The day she finally agrees to take part in a party, her first social activity in 12 months, things go wrong, very wrong, and she is accused of stabbing another teenager to death, a crime for which she faces Justice.

In Monday’s episode, his trial opens and, as is often the case in court, unexpected testimony will force the defense to change its strategy.

At first mute as a carp, Mathilde gradually came out of her silence and her lawyer, Léo MacDonald (Sébastien Delorme), was able to quietly gain her confidence to better help her.

“We wonder if we like Mathilde or not. Is it fine or not fine? But as we see the flashbacks, we understand what she went through and people can get attached to her. Let’s say it’s the accumulation of a big year for her,” said Emi Chicoine in an interview with the QMI Agency.

A childhood spent on the sets

The actress, who studies cinema in Grasset, is also interested in directing, the camera and even screenwriting. She grew up on the sets alongside her father, director Alain Chicoine, who is also creative vice-president and partner at KOTV. “I’ve always had my feet in it.” She was in her father’s arms when he was making “La fureur”, she said a few lines in “Bye Bye” he was piloting, but it was “Plan B 2” which confirmed to him that she also wanted move in front of the camera.

If we associate her more with bright young girls, closer to her, her Mathilde of “Indefensible” allowed her to probe darker areas and deepen her profession as an interpreter. “In life, I look a lot like my character from “The Eye of the Storm”, I am very sarcastic, comical, playful, very extroverted, there I fell into the opposite. Mathilde is super introverted and reserved, she is so used to being fooled that she is on her guard. But she understood that she must speak, collaborate with her lawyer.

The choice to tell what happened in dribs and drabs, with flashbacks, helps maintain the suspense about the possible involvement of her friends Mercedes and Virginie in this murder story. “It’s really wanted that we don’t understand everything from the beginning of this plot, it’s the “flashbacks” that explain us until the end,” said Emi.

The diversity of her roles has fulfilled her so far, she who was able to smash a mosquito net and blow a notch to the character of François Pérusse in a scene from the film “Niagara”, by Guillaume Lambert. In short, all opportunities are good to learn, both on the sets and at school, this profession that she has chosen for life.