381 state public sector entities and 194 multi-group entities and associates are integrated, with the treatment of 25,500 operations
The Council of Ministers approved this Monday the referral to the Court of Auditors of the General State Account for the year 2021.
The General State Account has been formed by the General Intervention of the State Administration as a Single Consolidated Account, presenting the consolidated balance sheet, the consolidated economic equity result account, the statement of changes in consolidated net worth, the statement of flows of consolidated cash, the liquidation statement of the consolidated budget and the consolidated report.
As the Executive recalls in the references of the Council of Ministers, the General Account is configured as the appropriate instrument to report on the economic, financial and patrimonial situation, the economic-patrimonial result and the execution of the budget of the entire state public sector, as defined in the General Budgetary Law.
It has integrated 381 state public sector entities and 194 multi-group entities and associates that have given rise to the treatment of around 25,500 operations.