The Crown is asking that a man who has repeatedly harassed his ex-spouse for more than a year be provided with a contact bracelet at the end of his sentence to ensure that he does not carry out his threats.

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Despite several police interventions, arrests and contact bans, André Ferland is not making amends.

For a year, the 30-year-old man has repeatedly harassed and threatened his ex-spouse who is afraid of him.

A first episode of domestic violence took place in May 2021 when Ferland believed that his spouse was cheating on him. As she tried to flee, the accused grabbed her by the sweater and told her “I’m going to kill you”.

Fortunately, the victim had managed to free himself and find help in the street where a passerby had called 911.

Despite Ferland’s release subject to a contact ban, the harmful relationship continued during the summer of 2021 until the victim put a definitive end to it. On the phone, the accused, who did not accept the breakup, had threatened to slit his throat.

Accompanied by his mother, the victim immediately fled the residence.

Panicked and in tears, the two women had intercepted a policeman who happened to be passing by to ask him to intervene.

Released again on the condition of therapy, André Ferland was quick to harass the victim and his family again.


While begging her to come back with him, Ferland threatened the complainant’s new spouse by telling him during phone calls “I just want to hurt you” or “your life is going to be hell”.

André Ferland has been detained since his last arrest, but despite his guilty plea, the victim continues to fear his ex-husband who has often said that he “doesn’t mind serving 25 years in prison and killing her”. Defense lawyer Me Benoît Labrecque wants his client to receive a 15-month sentence for his actions.

For its part, the Crown says it agrees with such a sentence, but nevertheless wishes that an anti-reconciliation bracelet be required from Ferland to prevent him from approaching the victim. A debate on this will take place later this week.