The digital economy directly, indirectly and inducedly represented 24.2% of the Spanish gross domestic product (GDP) in 2023, which represents an increase of 1.5 percentage points compared to the 22.7% weight it had in 2022. , and its impact reached 353,000 million euros, 16% more than the 304,200 million euros of the previous year, according to the latest edition of the ‘Digital Economy Report’ prepared by Adigital and Boston Consulting Group.

This increase in the weight of the digital economy in the national GDP is attributed to a “strong growth in digitalization”, something that, according to Adigital, brings the country closer to the goal of reaching a GDP digitalization level of 40% in 2030.

Specifically, the report estimates the value generated by the digitalization of the economy through the aggregation of its direct (12.3%), indirect (11.1%) and induced (0.8%) impact on GDP.

“The acceleration of digitalization is great news since it returns Spain to the path of strong growth in the digital economy (…) We must keep in mind that digitalization drives the growth of the economy as a whole, increases productivity and has a significant impact on social well-being,” highlighted in this context the president of Boston Consulting Group in Iberia, Rafael Rilo.

Likewise, the Secretary of State for Digitalization and Artificial Intelligence, Mayte Ledo, participated in the presentation of the report, highlighting the “maturity” of the digital economy in Spain.

The study also addresses the impact of generative artificial intelligence (AI) and its potential to boost Spanish economic growth by increasing productivity, in line with its recognition by the European Union as a strategic technology.

Regarding this, the authors of the report point out that the integration of AI poses “significant challenges”, especially in terms of ethics, privacy and security, something that, in their opinion, can slow down its development and adoption.

Along these lines, the document states that 42% of companies claim that they do not implement generative AI because they do not have a strategy for its responsible use.

“Responsible AI allows the dissemination and institutionalization of this technology throughout companies and public administrations,” highlighted the general director of Adigital, César Tello.

“The incorporation of responsible AI criteria translates into a competitive advantage since it allows early compliance with regulations, increasing consumer confidence and optimizing the acquisition and retention of talent,” he added.

Another aspect that the analysis addresses is how the regulatory framework and public policies in the European Union, the United States and China are influencing the advancement of digitalization.

To maximize the opportunities offered by AI and not slow down innovation, digitalization and the growth of European companies, the report offers ten recommendations, including the creation of a new governance model for digital regulation, the promotion of use of open data, the maintenance of cybersecurity as a “fundamental pillar” and the commitment to financing telecommunications infrastructure.

Likewise, the importance of strengthening public-private collaboration and planning adequate governance to guarantee competitiveness, innovation and consumer protection in companies is highlighted.