“We must repatriate all powers in immigration, it is a question of survival for our nation,” said François Legault on Sunday.

In other words: if the federal government refuses to give us full powers, the survival of the Quebec nation will be in danger.

We will become like Louisiana!


Less than 48 hours after our PM’s statement, how did Justin Trudeau respond?

« Non. »

It is out of the question that we give all the powers to Quebec in matters of immigration.

Even if the CAQ wins 200 seats out of 125 on October 3.

And even if two rows of teeth begin to grow in the beaks of the hens.

No no.

Oh, I can’t wait to see what François Legault will do, I said to myself, hearing Justin Trudeau’s answer could not be clearer.

Mr. Legault cannot not react!

The survival of the nation is at stake!!!!

Not the survival of Montreal as a French-speaking metropolis, no.

The survival of Quebec in its entirety!

If the federal government doesn’t give us full powers, we’ll end up barefoot playing the banjo on the gallery!

It’s sure that Legault will react, right?


Well no.

He didn’t react.

No press conference, no appeal to the nation, nothing.

Mr. Legault promises another check if we vote for him, that’s all.

As if nothing had happened… As if the federal government had not (yet) closed the door in its face… And I thought that the survival of Quebec was in danger!

We’ve just hit an iceberg with full force, and the captain takes the microphone to announce that tonight there will be egg rolls at the buffet!


Am I the only one who finds this strange?

On Sunday, Quebec was condemned to a slow disappearance if the federal government told us no.

And two days after the federal government told us no, François Legault turns the page and goes to another call!

I’m coudonc.

We no longer have the emergencies we had!

Robert Bourassa had at least shown his teeth.

“Quebec is, today and forever, a society free of its destiny, blah blah blah…”

But there, nothing.

Not even a speech.


Tuesday morning, on QUB radio, I interviewed CAQ MP Martin Lévesque on the occasion of the release of his book La couleurs CAQ.

“What are you going to do if Justin Trudeau refuses to give you immigration powers? I asked him.

“We are confident of succeeding…

“Yes, but if he says no to you?”

“We are confident of succeeding…

“But if he refuses?”

“We are confident of succeeding…

– But have you prepared a plan B in case of refusal?

“We are confident of succeeding…”

Well, there, it is clear, the CAQ did not succeed!

Magical thinking was not enough to change the course of things.

What’s next, Mr. Legault?

Will you at least apply Law 101 to CEGEP, since the situation is so serious?