There were flying fish, Jerry Huang has just invented rolling fish, with his two goldfish that he walks in a stroller.
In the Taiwanese city of Taichung, Mr. Huang pushes his latest invention: an aquarium on wheels.
“Before, people walked their dogs and cats. Today, they walk around with their parrots, their snakes and their lizards too. I even saw people with their pet spiders,” he says.
So why not fish? This aquarist has set himself the mission of making them “explore another environment above the water”.
This drone photography enthusiast who lives from his YouTube channel spent weeks in his workshop designing a fish buggy before assembling it in a few days with spare parts he had on hand.
A large cylindrical aquarium is connected to a filtration and oxygenation system accompanied by a battery, all mounted on a cart specially designed for this purpose. Estimated cost: 280 to 375 euros.
“I did a lot of research before I started making this aquarium. It’s not an impulse. You have to understand the fish. There’s a reason I chose goldfish.”
Because it is not easy to feel good when you are a fish, certainly in the water of the aquarium, but walking around in the world of humans. Goldfish, robust and accustomed to curious faces, is the most appropriate species for this kind of experience.
Mr. Huang is convinced that his animals enjoy the walks.
“We all have this urge to explore uninhabitable exotic worlds. This is why we send spaceships into the universe”.
“If I were a goldfish, I would definitely be super excited if someone invented a way for me to explore other worlds.”