According to a YouGov poll for only 49% of supporters of left would be ready to vote for Anne Hidalgo in the first round of the presidential election in 2022 if it managed to take the lead of a joint application.

Anne Hidalgo she will be a candidate in the presidential election of 2022 ? The mayor of Paris has the suspense, but there is every reason to believe that she is seriously considering to get in the race for the Elysee. Questioned about his ambitions on Europe 1 on 21 march, the municipal official has taken the first steps : “I’ll do it all for there to be an offer political, ecological, social, democratic, and republican. And I am going to engage fully with a lot of determination, a lot of optimism,” she replied, stressing the need for the left to “gather” for this date. The language elements that allow the mayor of Paris to stay in control of his schedule, leave all the doors open, but the observers of politics have noted that its “platform thinking”, “ideas”, which was launched in mid-march, is a very concrete to 2022.

Remains to be the mayor of Paris to win the game of legitimacy. For the time being, Anne Hidalgo fails to impose in the public opinion as a contender serious at the Elysée. It is the main teaching of the YouGov poll carried out for from 23 to 24 march. Only 22% of the French, in fact, wish that the mayor of Paris becomes a candidate (56% of the respondents respond that they don’t want to). It should be noted that 39% of supporters of left say they are in favour of this application.

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the question of “Anne Hidalgo would it make a good president of the Republic ?”, 53% of the respondents answer “no” (20% “not really”, 33% “no, not at all”) ; 20% answered yes (5% “Yes, absolutely”, 15% “Yes, actually”), 27% answered “I don’t know.”

Anne Hidalgo convinces not (yet) supporters left

Our YouGov poll shows that a little over a year from the presidential election, the supporters of the left don’t seem very enthusiastic to see the left gather behind Anne Hidalgo. If the mayor of Paris could take the reins of a joint application of his camp, then 49% of the French ranking as “the left” of the political spectrum say they are prepared to vote for it. 32% all the same answer “no” and 19% say they do not yet decided. 22% saying they are supporters of the “centre” also say say ready to vote for the mayor of Paris in case of an application unique to the left.

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The site is still huge for the former deputy Bertrand Delanoë if it intends to impose itself as a candidate of the rally, but an encouraging figure, is noted for its (likely) future campaign : 36% of respondents saying that supporters of the left believe that Anne Hidalgo would be “the best candidate to unite the left in the first round of the presidential election” (45% of supporters of left-answer “no”, 18% “I don’t know”).