the next few days, according to CNews. Placed “under surveillance” by the then Prime minister Jean Castex since last week, the paris region could soon face new restrictions, in the face of the rise of the circulation of the Covid-19 started in mid-February, details to the media. Nevertheless, Anne Hidalgo, the mayor of Paris, has criticized this assumption of containment and judge this measure “harsh, even inhuman.” The defense Council’s health Wednesday, march 3, should settle the question, before a speech by Jean Castex the next day, specify our colleagues.

18:16 – François Ruffin opposed to a containment for the weekend

In a series of tweet, François Ruffin opposed to the containment of the weekend. “Well, I have a clear solidarity with the caregivers. I send all my best wishes for the courage of the sick, the bereaved families. This virus is not a joke, I have been able to measure it in my entourage. And yet, in their name, I’m going to say ‘no’ to the containment of the weekend. When the Covid appeared, I did not protest against the confinement total. A year later, we are still at the starting point : the restriction of freedom seems to be the only option for the government. For the majority, ‘the containment it is like a faucet.’ It is a bad habit that installs, compare our freedoms to a valve that opens or closes it, make an adjustment variable. And that has consequences on health : 50% of young people say they are ‘concerned for their mental health’”, he writes.

17:45 – curfew from 18h to The Meeting

The virus continues to gain ground in The Meeting, and in particular the variant of south africa. The incidence rate has also increased and reached 104 cases per 100 000 inhabitants in seven municipalities of the island, which include “more than half of the population reunion”, where it fluctuates between 110 and 150, says the director of the ARS. For rapid containment of the spread of the virus, the prefect, Jacques Billant, has decided to put in place a curfew from 18 till 5 o’clock in the morning all over the territory. A restriction which, it hopes, will work around a third containment. “The curfew will allow us to avoid the wall of the containment, the breaking point. We sacrifice the month of march to find at most fast days more happy and more free,” he pointed out.

17:15 – Oliver Véran : “there will not be the level of constraints on the French”

It is confirmed, it will have to wait at least “four to six weeks” before saying goodbye to the curfew. Olivier Véran, explained to the national Assembly. Asked about lowering measures in the Western regions less affected by the epidemic, the Health minister responds : “If you release the stress, you take the risk that it goes from +20 % to +40 % of contamination and the West would be joining Is fast enough”. Before adding : “This would send a signal that would not be understood by the French, at a time when the whole world is fighting to prevent a containment “. “We know that for four to six weeks, whatever happens, there will not be the level of constraints on the French”.

16:45 – Take “four to six weeks” confined the weekend ?

Yesterday, Emmanuel macron, has encouraged the French to hold even “four to six weeks” for a potential relief measures. But, with the announced restrictions or prolonged shots of two weeks, sub the weekends still have time to be decided by then and could last until mid-April. This is the cap that covers the government, it is considered that at this moment, the effects of the vaccination will be felt particularly in the older and will start to let go of agile.

16:15 – New measures for the Drôme, but not of containment ?

In the Drôme, second department of Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes placed under surveillance, the prefect, Hugues Moutouh, has taken the liberty to inform the inhabitants that containment was not expected in the next few days. So far, it has been the first to decide on the health measures to be strengthened, starting with the removal of extra-curricular activities and extra-curricular and the increase of the gauges host in the shops. He accompanies these restrictions, an important screening campaign organized with the ARS. At this stage, the strengthening of measures appears to be the way to avoid a containment part of the weekend.

15:45 – 240 persons challenging the decree establishing the containment

This afternoon, the administrative tribunal of Nice reviews the proceedings for interim relief-freedom issued by 240 people against the decree which provides for the containment of the weekend. The complainants have several arguments to challenge the order and show the unlawful and unjustified of the health measure. First, the fact that the containment is in place to weekends, Friday, 18 hours, Monday morning, 6 o’clock. “This would mean that the vi