;res with the Czech Republic and the austrian Tyrol to try to contain the spread of the highly contagious variant of coronavirus. Of “control points fixed” on the borders concerned are put in place, like the one installed in Kiefersfelden (Bavaria), on the border with Austria. An important feature of a thousand police officers are mobilized to ensure these controls. The railway company Deutsche Bahn has suspended its links with these areas. The German government intends to strengthen this Monday, his warnings related to the Covid regarding the department crossing of The Moselle river, one of the most affected by the current pandemic in France.

Germany, at the price cuts for many weeks, is able to reduce the incidence rate in the country and to limit the increase in contamination. The population must now wear medical masks in shops and public transport, and a travel ban to more than 15 km away from home is imposed in the cities exceeding the incidence rate of 200 new cases per 100 000 inhabitants in a week.

containment, and new measures in Belgium

Belgium has hardened the tone in the face of the resurgence of the pandemic. Since the 27th of January and until April 1, 2021, the country prohibits its population non-essential travel abroad -including within the european Union. Controls with fines will be put in place at borders. The cross-border workers are not affected by the ban.

The passengers arrived in the belgian airports in France are subject to a quarantine of seven days, with mandatory testing for the Covid-19 in the first and seventh day. There are exceptions for essential workers, students to pass exams as well as for the residents left the country for professional reasons. All travellers in Belgium, regardless of the means of transport used must fill out the Form and Location of the Passenger.

Reconfinement total and strengthening of border controls in the United Kingdom

Deploring nearly 113 000 people dead, the worst performer in Europe, the United Kingdom has announced a new turn of the screw to its borders, with heavy penalties for offenders. As of 15 February, all travellers arriving in England will have to submit two PCR tests, in the second and eighth days of mandatory quarantine of ten days, announced in Parliament, Health minister Matt Hancock. Any positive test will be subjected to an analysis of the genome to identify a possible variant, and will reset the counter of the quarantine, he added. This is in addition to the requirement for all travelers to present a negative test done within 72 hours before their departure. The offender is liable to severe sanctions, ranging from a 1000 pound fine for a negative test missing upon arrival up to £ 10,000 for those who are trying to escape the quarantine at the hotel.

The United Kingdom has entered phase 3 of the containment with a hardening of restrictions to respond to the rapid spread of a new strain of coronavirus, named B117, forcing it to close bars and restaurants, the shops are non-essential, and schools. Prime minister Boris Johnson announced the reconfinement total of England until mid-February.

The netherlands put in place a curfew

The netherlands began their first curfew. For 21 hours, it is forbidden to leave your home until 4: 30, the curfew to be renewed every night until at least February 9. This measure, justified by the government by the fear of the variant uk, must prevent a containment required of day.

passengers to the netherlands by air must complete a health declaration form before boarding. In the case where a traveller has any of the symptoms listed in the health declaration form, it will not be accepted on the volume: This is also applicable for in-transit passengers.

A reconfinement widespread in Portugal

Portugal was submitted to a second containment “generalized” to curb the outbreak of Covid-19, which has reached new highs in the country, announced on Wednesday the Prime minister Antonio Costa. The new restrictions, which will remain in force for at least a month, correspond to those that had been taken in march and April. This time, the schools, however, remain open, in the same way as courts and churches.

at the airports, to take the temperature of passengers at their arrival is mandatory. A rule of social distancing of 2 metres is to be respected in the public space. Wearing a mask is mandatory in the transport, public services, shops and supermarkets, the closed spaces and tourist places or open to the public. A label of a “Clean & Safe” has been created by the body in charge of tourism, Turismo de Portugal. Obtaining this label for a hotel or a tourist site must ensure that managers comply with all safety measures. The restaurants are open, with a limited capacity to 50% and a closing no later than at 23h. For the beaches, a label on the occupation of beaches has been put in place (green : low occupancy, yellow : high occupancy