The candidates Parcoursup can as soon as Wednesday to list their vows on the platform in the orientation post-bac and choose from more than 17,000 courses. Here are the essential elements to find.

Summary Listing Parcoursup 2021 Calendar of the dates 2021 Connection Greeting Responses Parcoursup Application Parcoursup Result additional Procedure

starting this Wednesday, January 20, 2021 at 8 a.m. , the candidates on the platform of orientation post-bac Parcoursup were able to begin to formulate their wishes, and have been for nearly two months to do this, until Thursday, march 11 . Parcoursup brings more than 17 000 tertiary programmes dispatched on the national territory, which are sorted by sheets. On these sheets, multiple indicators are waiting for the applicants so that they can make their choice :

skills and knowledge needed for success organization and content of the teaching costs of training number of places offered by 2021 the rate of passage in the 2nd year and success rate according to the bac, opportunities and rates of professional insertion, etc What is the procedure to be followed in the summary ?

first of All, it is necessary to register on the platform to be able to then begin to assemble his dossier. It is then to express his wishes, but also its sub-wishes. In parallel, it is advisable to refer to the data sheet training and take the information on the different institutions. Students can also go visit one or more trade fairs devoted to the orientation or even participate in open days, to realize their idea of the curriculum covered.

How the reform of the bac is taken into account on Parcoursup, for the time being ?

A reform of the tray is initially scheduled for 2021. In the folder Parcoursup of each candidate’s high school must appear in all notes collected between September first and the finalization of the nomination file. The folder “Parcoursup 2021” will have to understand the medium of the school newsletters, which will also this year instead of the common assessments (replaced by continuous control), and the notes of the final proofs of specialties. These are currently provided from 15 to 17 march 2021, but the government must settle on their terms the real by the end of January. a
note that the specialties followed by graduates of general in the first and in the terminal are also office of new items in the folder.

What are the new training courses offered by Parcoursup 2021 ? Political science Paris Two new preparatory classes : MP21 (math, physics, engineering and computer science) and ECG (economic and commercial general option) professional License, through the reform of the OTC, who become bachelors university of technology (BUT) Schools national veterinary, through a national competition dedicated

► See the page on “5 steps to my journey toward higher education”

► Check the ranking of the universities 2020

sign up to Parcoursup 2021

The registration Parcoursup begins on Wednesday, January 20, 2021 . From that day, the pupils involved can begin to list their wishes and guidance. The maximum number of wishes ? 10. But “sub-wishes” are also possible ; the total number of establishments not to exceed in the list being 20. A student can apply to a single sector, but at his risk and peril. The deadline date to retain registration of the vows is the Thursday, march 11. in just a Few months prior to the tests usual in the bachelor’s degree.

What is the schedule of dates Parcoursup 2021 ?

Here are the calendar dates Parcoursup 2021 to be aware of for this new session of the platform orientation post-bac, which starts to truly 20 January :

January-march : greetings – from the Wednesday, January 20, register on the site, preparation of the file Parcoursup and wording of the vows, of 1 to 10 at maximum, without prioritization requested (with sub-wishes possible, depending on the type of training). Thursday, 11 march : closing of the vows – The deadline to enter his or her wishes. Then, add training in addition to the folder, but finalize the inscription file, yes, and until Thursday, 8 April. in Thursday 8 April : closed + a confirmation of the vows . Need to have completed their registration by this date, and to have validated his or her wish list for establishments for review. in Thursday 27th may to Friday 16 July : admission phase main – Receipt of the replies of the institutions and ability to respond within the time specified by the site Parcoursup. Without a timely response, the training is lost. In the case of responses exclusively negative part of training, selective (OTC, prep, IFSI, BTS, schools, etc.), students may request an accom