A document that would allow all recipients to move and eat freely in a period of Covid-19 ? An idea that does a lot of talking while France is quite reluctant. An update on the latest news regarding the passport of vaccination.

Summary In France In the EU bill

According to a survey published by Le Parisien in mid-January, 62% of French people are in favour of compulsory vaccination in people wishing to take the plane to go abroad. In the facts, will there be a document that will allow all recipients to travel freely within the european Union or to travel to the United States, Asia or elsewhere ? While the campaign of immunization began at the end of December in France and will continue until at least spring 2021 to be extended to the whole of the population, any document issued by the authorities and which would allow recipients of the Covid-19 to move freely is the order of the day in france. Even if the first studies carried out in countries that have started their vaccination campaign are encouraging, the science does not have for the moment no certainty as to the possible contagiousness of the individuals who received the vaccine.

The government wants to-there create one in France ?

France is currently opposed to the creation of a passport vaccination to move and travel freely. The establishment of such a travel document to the european-wide debate is “very premature”, has estimated the secretary of State in charge of european Affairs at the microphone of franceinfo. “If you’re talking about a paper, a document that authorizes you to travel in Europe, I think it is very premature. It is a debate that has no place to be and this would be shocking, then it starts again everywhere the vaccination campaign in Europe, that there are rights that are more important for some than for others. This is not our conception of the protection of and access to vaccines.” The question could, however, ask the following : “When access to the vaccine will be generalized, it will be a different topic”.

A passport vaccination study in the European Union ?

At the european level, the question was asked for the first time by Greece in mid-January. While Athens has already created its own health certificate that proves that a person has been vaccinated against the Covid-19, the government has proposed to extend this programme to all 27 member countries. The heads of State and government of the 27 countries of the european Union will discuss the possible introduction of a vaccination certificate for travel to an EU country to the other on Thursday 21 January 2021 at a meeting by visio.

If an agreement is reached, the certificate could be used when boarding when traveling by plane, train or even by boat. The european Commission is already working on the creation of a certificate of vaccination, entitled “Vaxproof”, which could help to restore travel between member countries, according to Reuters news agency.

A draft law criticised