In a speech in a solemn and detailed, the head of the State, Emmanuel Macron took the floor on Wednesday 28 October 2020 to announce a new confinement in the national territory. Here are all of the ads and his speeches in the video.

Summary Ads by Emmanuel Macron • The Covid • The objectives of Macron • The measures of spread • A reconfinement • restrictions more flexible • holiday Returns and the stranger • “Follow the rules” The speech of Macron in the video is The address of October 28, Macron on Wednesday, Castex Thursday, The announcements of Emmanuel Macron

Emmanuel Macron has confirmed that France would adopt a containment, during a solemn discourse from the Elysée. Containment is more flexible than in march last. Schools, colleges, and high schools will remain open for their share. Telecommuting will become widespread wherever this is possible and the shops that have been defined as “non-essential”, in particular in bars and restaurants, will be closed. This Thursday, October 29, the spokesperson of the government, Gabriel Attal has already given some clarification by indicating that the parks and gardens will remain open, in contrast to march just like the markets. This confinement will last until 1 December. In his speech, Emmanuel Macron urged the French to remain among them and to abide by the rules. Check out the main ads below in our verbatim :

France is submerged by the Covid. Emmanuel Macron has admitted during his speech, particularly alarmist : “The virus has been circulating in France at a speed that even the most pessimistic forecast had not anticipated”. “The measures taken […] are insufficient”, according to the head of the State and “it must be recognized that as all of our neighbours, we are overwhelmed by the sudden increase of the epidemic”. Calling for “humility”, Emmanuel Macron has admitted that “we are all in Europe surprised by the evolution of the virus,” and “overwhelmed by a second wave which will be undoubtedly tougher and more lethal”. Concerning France, “the set of regions is in alert threshold”, “9000 people will be in the icu in mid-November, the maximum capacity”. Emmanuel Macron has set goals. “My responsibility is to protect all the French,” said the president, who intends to protect in priority the three categories of the population : “the older and more fragile,” “caregivers, affected by the epidemic” and “most precarious”. The quantified objective is clear : “very significantly reduce the contamination and to spend 40 000 infections per day to 5000”. It should also “significantly reduce the rate of hospital admissions in the icu”, said Emmanuel Macron, who estimates that the toll could reach up to 400, 000 deaths if nothing is done. steps apart. Emmanuel Macron to the list of measures that it wanted to exclude from the outset in the face of this upsurge of the virus. “There is the option to do nothing […] That is the herd immunity”, a-t-it started before decide : “Never, France will adopt this strategy, we will never let die hundreds of thousands of citizens”. A “second way” has been mentioned by the head of the State : “confining the only people at risk.” But he judges that she is “not usable”. Regarding the “test everything”, “this system can be effective with just a few thousand cases per day”, believes the head of State, who considers that”today it is not”. Emmanuel Macron sweeps also critics who deem it necessary (or it should) increase the number of beds in the icu. “This is not a few months that we will be able to create a strategy that is completely different.” And the president concluded : “even so, who can seriously argue that we can leave thousands of our fellow citizens in the icu for weeks ?” The containment as the only possible recourse. “I decided that it was necessary to find, from Friday, the confinement that had helped to stop the virus”, stated Emmanuel Macron, as a logical conclusion. “Throughout the national territory is concerned with adaptations for the French overseas”, he said. “The schools will remain open, the work can continue, the long-term care facilities and retirement homes may be visited,” continued the head of State, adding that “it is the return of the certificate”. “All these measures will come into application in the night from Thursday to Friday and they will be applied at a minimum until the 1st of December”. Some rules will, however, evolve. In the retail, nurseries, schools, colleges, and high schools will remain open. “The sanitary protocols will be strengthened,” the school said Emmanuel Macron in the wake of his speech. “Teleworking will become widespread wherever this is possible” and “the activity will continue in some sectors such as service counters, public, CONSTRUCTION.” “The shops that have been defined as non-essential, in particular in bars and restaurants, will be closed,” he added, trying to reassure by stating that the “economic answer will be larger than in march, [with] support of 10 000 euros per month loss in revenue.” holiday returns and the stranger allowed. Emmanuel Macron has indicated that it will not be possible for the containment of moving from one region to another. Holiday returns will be excepted from this weekend. “Well &eacute