less than 24 hours. The department is still classified as high vulnerability.

13:46 – Jean Castex guest of 20 Hours of TF1 Sunday evening

On the eve of a new school year very special, marked both by the tributes paid to the professor who was murdered in the Yvelines Samuel Paty and by the reconfinement national, Prime minister Jean Castex, will be the guest of 20 Hours of TF1 on Sunday evening.

13:24 – An incidence rate increasing in Strasbourg

based on the last balance sheet of the Covid for the city of Strasbourg, which dates back, however, as of October 28, the incidence rate in the first place was to 697,2 cases per 100 000 inhabitants. It was up 23.9 points in 24 hours. In the 65 years and older, this rate stood at 455,4.

12:51 – Déconfinements and reconfinements successive, the solution ? The scientific Council expresses doubts

“there are before us many months with an extremely difficult situation”, considers the scientific Council in its last published notice. Is interesting in the wake of the strategy of the type “on/off”, with measurements of successive squeezes, the scientific Council expresses doubts as to the viability of such a solution : “Is it possible in the long term ? The French will they accept such a strategy ? Is it economically viable ?” And to conclude : “The questions are asked and have no answers to this day.”

What is the evolution of the coronavirus in France ?

The epidemic of coronavirus is in the process of submerging in France as in the show each night, balance sheets, daily of public Health, France. The end of each week, the health agency of the French book also points epidemiological more detailed still, that list of the most accurate information about the spread of the virus and which give the extent of the problem of health critical facing the country. The last door on the week 43 (October 19 to 25, 2020). The development is “worrying” and even “very worrying” for the elderly more affected according to the authors of the report. The case in long-term care facilities have almost doubled in a week and the deaths are on the rise. “The increase in the number of cases, the number of people newly admitted to hospital, the number of persons newly admitted to intensive care units in all regions of metropolitan France announces tensions hospital in the region as a whole. The coming weeks will be decisive as to the impact of the epidemic”, one can read. Here are his main teachings :

public Health in France note, a “strong acceleration of the epidemic of Covid-19 on the whole territory of the country” in week 43. 263 143 cases of Covid confirmed are back on the radar, compared to 171 254 the previous week, an increase of +54%. This is the third week in a row that the number of new cases is rising sharply. The rate of positive tests has jumped from 13.8% to 18.6%. The incidence rate reached a total of 392 cases per 100 000 inhabitants (+54%). The largest increases compared to the previous week is being observed “in people aged over 65 years (65-74 years : +68% ; 75 years and over : +89%)”. “If the dynamics of the epidemic continues in the weeks to come, it is estimated that the weekly number of new confirmed cases of Covid-19 will have doubled in 13 days,” wrote SPF. The impact on hospitals are now very heavy. The document describes a “very significant increase in hospital admissions”, an increase of 62% over a week, just as admissions to the icu (+35%). “Compared to the beginning of September (S36), the numbers of people 65 years and older newly hospitalized and admitted to intensive care units have been multiplied by 7”, indicates the document. The other indicators are the medical to the addendum : +22% acts of SOS Médecins, +45% for the passages to the emergency room. The deaths are also on the rise. We deplored 1318 between 19 and 25 October 2020, compared with 872 the previous week, an increase of 51%. “At the national level, the number of deaths of all ages in week 40 (28 September to 4 October) and week 41 (5-11 October) is a significant increase compared with the number expected,” the report says. The long-term care facilities are again hit. public Health in France reports an increase in the number of cases and deaths in medico-social establishments”. In week 43, there are 12 745 cases reported against 6932 the previous week. 11 267 deaths in total are also reported in the accommodation establishments for the elderly since the beginning of the epidemic. In week 43, 236 deaths were counted against 200 in S42. regions and cities are particularly impacted. these are the regions Auvergne, Rhone-Alpes, Ile-de-France region and the Hauts-de-France and their great cities, Saint-Etienne, Lille, Lyon and Grenoble. But in total, 18 cities have an incidence rate higher than 250 cases per 100 000 inhabitants. Map of coronavirus in France : what are the departments most affected ?

We have developed a card of synthesis, giving an overview of the situation of the coronavirus in F