You want to go on holiday to Spain ? Whereas the inhabitants of Madrid and its suburbs are reconfinés in part with the introduction of new health measures, a curfew was introduced. An update on the situation and the restrictions in the country.

Summary Containment Boundaries Documents and controls Quarantine Conditions Mask compulsory ? Beaches Had

[updated October 26, 2020 at 10h35] Spain is one of european countries most affected by the pandemic with over 1 million cases of Covid-19 and nearly 35 000 deaths. Since the beginning of September, the whole country is spent in the red zone, which means that all non-essential travel, including tourist, are no longer allowed. In the Face of the rebound of the epidemic, the government of Pedro Sanchez has declared a new state of health alert, the second in Spain since the beginning of the epidemic Covid-19. The alert state is for the time decreed for fifteen days, but the government wants to extend it by the later of six months, until the beginning of the month of may. The Spanish government has at the same time announced the introduction of a night curfew from 23 hours to 6 hours in the morning on the whole territory with the exception of the Canary islands, with the possibility for the country’s 17 regions to advance or retard a time its beginning and its end, according to the local characteristics.

► Refer to the “Guide for French tourist in Spain” (at the time of the Covid-19), by the Embassy of France in Spain

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Spain as you have never seen it

Y-a-t-he regions confined in Spain ?

Since October 2, 2020, Madrid is officially reconfinée in part, becoming the first european capital reconfinée. In the Face of the significant number of new contaminations Covid-19, the government of Pedro Sánchez has decided to tighten sanitary measures already put in place in the Spanish capital to try to curb the pandemic. Now, the inhabitants of Madrid and its suburbs are forbidden to leave the city except to go to work, go to the doctor or take the children to the school. The government has also decreed a new state of health alert, the second in Spain since the beginning of the epidemic Covid-19. The alert state is for the time decreed for fifteen days, but the government wants to extend it by the later of six months, until the beginning of the month of may. The Spanish government has at the same time announced the introduction of a night curfew from 23 hours to 6 hours in the morning on the whole territory with the exception of the Canary islands, with the possibility for the country’s 17 regions to advance or retard a time its beginning and its end, according to the local characteristics.

on what date did Spain she re-opened its borders with France ?

the preferred Destination of the French holiday, Spain has officially reopened its external borders with all the member States of the european Union since June 21, 2020. No quarantine is required at the national level.

the Documents, formalities and health checks to go to Spain

To enter Spanish soil, tourists must, however, comply with certain rules and strict controls :

If you arrive by air or sea, you must submit yourself to take a temperature on arrival in Spain. It should not be greater than or equal to 37.5°. All travelers must fill out a form of public health. It is downloadable on the site or via the free app SPAIN TRAVEL HEALTH-SpTH. The complete entry form will generate a QR Code that you will present on arrival in Spain. If you go through a travel agency for your permit, it will inform you of the obligation to fill in this form. A paper version will also be accepted during a transitional period that will last until 31 July. Visitors suspected of being contaminated by the Covid-19 will be subject to a new health assessment with a new temperature-taking and an assessment of their state of health. If it confirms contamination, the traveler will be “transferred to a health centre”, says Spain on his site dedicated to tourism. Spain requires a quarantine for foreign tourists ?

Good news, the quarantine imposed on the foreign tourists arriving in Spain was lifted on July 1, 2020, at the time when the borders were opened. Subject to the presentation of documents health required upon arrival on Spanish soil, no quatorzaine or quarantine is required.

What are the measures of social distancing implemented in Spain ?

hygiene measures and social distancing will be to meet during your holidays in Spain. In the hotels and tourist accommodations but also restaurants, shops, cultural centers, concert halls, the managers must ensure a minimum distance of 1.5 meter between the customers but also with employees.

The port of the mask is it compulsory in Spain ?

The port of the mask is compulsory from the age of 6 years on the public highway, in the open-air spaces, public spaces closed if it is not possible to maintain a distance of at least 1.5 meter. It is also mandatory in public transport, airplanes, trains, or ba