AMAZON PRIME DAY – The rumor was not mistaken this time : Amazon has confirmed that its Premium Day 2020, great day of promotions reserved for subscribers to Amazon Prime, will be taking place on 13 and 14 October…

Summary Date of the Bonus Day 2020 Premium Day and Amazon Prime Promotions the Bonus Day

[updated 28 September 2020 14: 40] The dates are appeared last night on the homepage of the website of the retail giant on-line : Amazon has confirmed this Monday that his Bonus Day would take place on 13 and 14 October next. The commercial operation, which lasted for one day originally and that increased to 48 hours in recent years, is so very close and should be ahead of the Black Friday just a few weeks.

The Premium Day is, as its name indicates, is reserved to subscribers of Amazon Prime. In a press release, Amazon indicated that during the operation, “the members Bonus be able to benefit from amazing deals on tech products, toys, products for the kitchen and home, as well as on the Amazon products, throughout these two days.” A page is already devoted to the event on the website of the cybertrader. Amazon further states that “in order to take advantage of these offers, users who have not already joined the Prime program will be able to begin a free 30-day trial allowing them to participate in Bonus Day”.

To up the sauce a little more, Amazon already offers good plans with “offers” forward-first” for its members Premium. These can go on the shop small and medium-sized French companies today and enjoy, for 10 euros spent, a promotional code of 10 euros to use during Premium Day. The offer is valid until October 12, the day before the operation.

The Bonus Day, over 1 million items at a reduced price.

The Bonus Day takes place usually in July, but was postponed because of Covid last summer. An article from the site The Verge, published at the beginning of last week, had already let it leak that these two dates in mid-October. The american site is based on a “e-mail internal Amazon” to which he had access, confirming that the trade event to commence on Monday, October 13, 2020. “In another internal e-mail, warehousemen Amazon have been informed that no new holiday request would not be accepted between 13 and 20 October,” stated The Cock, leaving few doubts about the timing chosen by Amazon.

If you are not a or a used to(e) of large commercial operations, the Premium Day you said definitely not a great thing. Little brother of the Black Friday, the Premium Day is a period of discounts at which the platform Amazon offers thousands of discounts on a wide range of products. Launched in 2015, the”Amazon Primeday”, was originally thought of as a day of balances supposed to compete with the famous Black Friday. And it is clear that the idea has proved to be very impressive and lucrative for the american giant. In 2016, more than 500 000 articles were promotion on the site ; in 2017, Amazon had put online 800 000 items in promo, and even more in 2018 with over 1 million items at a reduced price.

During a day at the origin and is restricted to a small number of countries, the Premium Day was thus gradually expanded. In the time first since the last edition, in 2019, lasted 48 hours in total. The Bonus Day is also spreading geographically as it is now nearly a score of countries that participate in the event.

At the beginning of the Bonus Day, from the middle of the night, the fans of Amazon and buying online will receive a slew of discounts on a number of great consequence of products. But attention : the Bonus Day is reserved for subscribers to Amazon prime, the premium service of the giant of online sales (see conditions below). This does not prevent Amazon from display figures colossal in every edition. Last year, the Bonus Day, has resulted in the sale of more than 175 million products in the world, compared to 100 million in the previous year. More than 3.5 million products had been sold in France during the two days of discounts. Amazon stated last year that the Premium Day has surpassed Black Friday at the global level.

► The trial of Amazon Prime is free for 30 days > subscribe here

What are the dates of the Bonus Day 2020 ?

The Premium Day had been scheduled on two days last year, Monday 15 July and Tuesday 16 July. Amazon seems to want to install itself on the niche of mid-July, because in 2018, the Premium Day was held in the same period. In 2020, Covid-19 requires, Amazon could, however, opt for mid-October. The Bonus Day will also take place about 48 hours to complete, at a minimum.

subscription to Amazon Prime is it mandatory for the Prime Day ?

Attention, to take advantage of the offers of the Bonus Day, it is necessary to be a member of Amazon Prime, the premium offering of the site. And it already has a cost. It is possible to take advantage of the Bonus Day thanks to the free trial of the formula (register here ). But after the trial period of 30 days, Amazon Prime costs 49 euros per year. Therefore, you should not forget to unsubscribe after the operation is complete.

please note : in addition to the Premium Day, Ama