GERARD DEPARDIEU – Friday, August 28, 2020, the French actor was arrested in Paris on his scooter. His blood alcohol level was above the limit allowed.

Summary Biography of Gérard Depardieu A youth complicated Cyrano de Bergerac The women in his life: The death of his son William His daughter Julie Depardieu His conversion to Islam, His political commitments, His fortune and his heritage A rape case closed with no action Films with Gérard Depardieu

[updated 31 August 2020 16: 35] The police officers did not expect to stop a monster of French cinema, and yet. Gérard Depardieu has been arrested and fined this Friday, August 28, 2020. According to information of the Point, the actor was stopped by police while riding a scooter in the capital without complying with the code of the road : it would have burned out the red lights and crossed several white lines. His breathalyzer test was positive. When the officers on the spot have realised that they were dealing to the unforgettable interpreter of Cyrano de Bergerac, they would have prevented their superior : they would have asked “not to proceed with the questioning of Mr. Depardieu”, states the report, prepared at the time of the arrest.

Despite this, Gérard Depardieu was led to the police station and will be verbalized later : the actor has admitted to having drunk two beers. Approximately 0.40 mg of alcohol per litre of expired air would have been noted during a test, this time to the alcohol. As a reminder, the limit is 0.25 mg per litre of exhaled air (which is equivalent to 0.5 g of alcohol per litre of blood). The scooter of the actor has been locked before that Gérard Depardieu does not leave the premises of the police, with friends… after they have been verbalized, as any user of the road.

Biography of Gérard Depardieu

Gérard Depardieu was born December 27, 1948. Actor, producer, French businessman, cultural ambassador of Montenegro and Russian citizen, Gérard Depardieu is often talk of him thanks to his many hats. Poor child, he became, through hard work, an inescapable actor of the French cinema. He has toured with some of the greatest filmmakers such as Jean-Luc Godard and Alain Resnais.

with the young, complicated © FAKE CATHERINE/SIPA

Gérard Depardieu grows up in poverty, with a father as a labourer and violent and a mother in the home. It is surrounded by five brothers and sisters. Do almost not the school, that he left officially at age 13, it is, in part, illiterate and a person who stutters. During his teenage years, to earn the money he makes from smuggling and stealing from time to time. He then goes a few odd jobs : apprentice in a printing group of the press Centre, France, boxing illegal or bathing establishment at La Garoupe on the Cap d’antibes.

His debut as an actor and his first success,

In 1963, he moves to Paris and follows courses of comedy to the popular national Theatre and then the course of Jean-Laurent Cochet at the theatre Edouard VII. In 1970 he married Elisabeth Guignot, who introduced him notably Jacques Demy and Agnès Varda, for which he made the baby-sitter. At the same time, it makes up for its gaps in culture, reads the great texts of the classical and corrects his speech and memory. In 1965, he made his first steps in front of the camera in the short film “The Beatnik and the Twink” from Roger Leenhardt. It was then small roles in “the cry of The cormoran at night over the junks” by Michel Audiard and “A little sun in cold water” directed by Jacques Deray, in the early 70’s. It also plays to the theatre where he meets Marguerite Duras, who offers him a role in “Nathalie Granger” and “The Woman of the Ganges”.

It is thanks to her role as a nice rogue in “Balls” of Bertrand Blier in 1974, Gérard Depardieu meets success. He then goes to the movies in the company of filmmakers and actors and actresses of renown. As well, he played alongside Robert de Niro in “1900” by Bernardo Bertolucci and Coluche in “Inspector Blunder” by Claude Zidi. Although being faithful to Bertrand Blier, Gérard Depardieu turn to other French filmmakers such as Maurice Pialat with four films, Alain Resnais and François Truffaut, including “The last metro”, for which he received the César for best actor in 1981. He also plays frequently characters from French literature and history, as for example in “Danton” by Andrzej Wajda in 1982, “Jean de Florette” by Claude Berri in 1986, and “1492 : Christopher Columbus” by Ridley Scott in 1992. Depardieu impresses for its game, certainly, but also for his ability to change registry.

The consecration Cyrano de Bergerac

In 1990, Gérard Depardieu mark the spirits in “Cyrano de Bergerac”. Originally a play written by Edmond Rostand, it is adapted into a film by Jean-Paul Rappeneau. This piece portrays Cyrano, a poet, but a man ugly, crazy love for his cousin Roxane. Unfortunately the latter only has eyes for Christian de Neuvillette. The concerned, awkward to express themselves, ask for help from Cyrano to conquer it. The poet helps as well with beautiful words. But Cyrano and Christian are then mobilised in the war against Spain. Christian then discovers the love that Cyrano door to Roxane so she decides to tell her everything, except that he died during an offensive. 15 years later, the hoax is discovered by Roxane when visiting Cyrano, dying, deacute;es 1980, he supports the left and, in particular François Mitterand for his re-election. This is actually re-elected, and awarded him the Legion of honor. Beginning in the 1990s, he supported the French communist Party and then the Green. From 2007, Depardieu turns to the right by supporting Nicolas Sarkozy.

He was friends with Fidel Castro and has supported them in 2012, Ramzan Kadyrov, president of Chechnya and accused of violating the human rights in his country, and also Islom Karimov, president of Uzbekistan, accused him also of violating the same rights in his country. In February 2013, he received a five-room apartment on the part of Ramzan Kadyrov, then in November 2019, it becomes the ambassador of tourism for Uzbekistan in France.

In 2012, a controversy broke out on a possible tax exile on the part of the actor. This follows the purchase of a property at néchin in Belgium. Following this, Gérard Depardieu decided to renounce the French social security and the benefits of his French passport, through an open letter addressed to the Prime minister.

On January 3, 2013, Gerard Depardieu gets Russian citizenship by the president of the Russian federation, Vladimir Putin. The actor had made the request by letter : he loves indeed, Putin, Russia, its history and its writers. As soon as Depardieu is happening in Russia, there is very much welcomed.

His wealth and his heritage

Gérard Depardieu has an important heritage. He owns vineyards in France, Italy, Morocco and Algeria. He founded the company “The Key to terroir” with Bernard Magrez, to develop and promote new wineries. In addition, it invests in large restaurants, hotel, brewery, winery, restaurant and shop, all located in the rue du Cherche-Midi in Paris. He also founded his own production company, “DD Productions”, in 1983 and creates the festival “A Director in the City” at Nimes, in 2005. It continues to invest, including in oil exploration in Cuba in 1999 and in restaurants in Belgium in 2012-2013. There, he became the owner of a real estate agency. In Russia, he created his company with the status of auto-entrepreneur and has activities in the cinema industry, trade, catering, real estate and tourism. In December 2012, his wealth is estimated at $ 120 million, according to the economic daily u.s. The Wall Street Journal.

In 1988, it would be the third actor French the best paid, with wages that range between 2 and 5 million francs per film. According to Le Figaro, in 2002, his compensation amounted to 2.04 million euros (excluding television and theatre). In 2004, he was third in the standings with 3,35 million and in 2005, he became again the French actor the best paid with $ 3.2 million. It resumes this status in 2008, with of 3.54 million euros. Part of the income of Depardieu is done through advertising, such as for example with the promotion of sauces Barilla, in the 1990s, where he has hit 7 million francs. According to the 2012 winners of the Figaro, he is the second French actor in the best paid with revenues which amounted to 2.3 million euros.

He has been accused of rape and sexual assault

In August 2018, Gérard Depardieu is the subject of a complaint for rape and sexual assault, filed by a young woman. According to his words, the French actor of 70 years would have received in his home the 7 and 13 August 2018, and it is during these interviews that it would have been a victim of “rape” and “sexual assault”. The complaint was filed in Lambesc, in Bouches-du-Rhône, before being entrusted to the public prosecutor of Aix-en-Provence and then in Paris. On Tuesday 4 June 2019, the AFP learned that the investigation Gérard Depardieu has finally been closed without investigation, the investigators have not been able to gather enough information. “The numerous investigations carried out in the framework of this procedure have not allowed us to characterize the offences denounced in all their constituent elements”, says the news agency.

little Is known about the young woman who accused Gérard Depardieu sexual assault and rape. It was a young woman aged 22 years old at the time of the supposed facts, in August 2018. She had apparently known the French actor because he was a friend of his father. The complainant had been heard several times by the judicial police of Paris to clarify his statements. According to her, Gerard Depardieu would have received in his parisian home to give him advice on his artistic career, and it is at this time that, according to his statements, the actor would have violated. After the filing of a complaint, the agent of the woman claimed that the latter was “broken”, all the more that Gérard Depardieu was teaching in the school she was attending.