the decisions taken on Monday, July 27, 2020 by the national security Council, reducing by half the gauges of the attendance of the public tolerated outdoors as well as indoors decided in June, adding now two-binding measures (the distancing and physical port of the mask rather than leaving the choice) and leaving to the municipal autonomy of the care to accept or deny depending on who knows what criteria the protests, put the sector of the performing arts and events in a very problematic situation, or even kafkaesque. They dive operators who had taken care to resize their festivals or in their complete seasons, taking strictly into account the guidelines issued in June, in a dead end ever yet encountered. They create a discriminatory regime between the means of collective transport (train, tram, coach, bus, aircraft) and entertainment venues, which is difficult to understand the logic : why can we be sitting side-by-side in one of these means of transport, sometimes for several hours, so that we can be on bleachers outdoors as well as indoors ?

They emphasize the autonomy of the commune and its ability to fully exercise its responsibilities, resulting in the creation of inequalities of treatment and situations is incredible. They leave the operators in a fog complete, and in the inability to carry out and organize the missions in artistic and social, which are assigned to them by contratprogramme or convention, forcing them already, for some of them, to the cancellation pure and simple of the shows planned in the opening season, with all the negative consequences that result from it in the first place for all the artists, technicians, and technicians engaged.e.s fixed-term (incorrectly called.e.s the providers end), but also for the permanent teams and the entire chain of companies involved in the support and logistics of artistic activities.